Program purpose and mission:
- Provides individual and small group literacy instruction to children in Kindergarten through 8th grade who may be experiencing reading or writing difficulties.
- Provides a trained and supportive staff of professionals to supervise undergraduate tutors who meet weekly with their students throughout the semester.
- Takes referrals from schools and families.
- Provides future teachers and master teachers with literacy practicum experiences in diagnostic teaching in a clinical setting by serving as an intern facility for undergraduate and graduate students.
- Offers reasonable tuition for quality services.
Get registered

Program registration
Register your child for literacy instruction and tutoring! Registration periods are in the fall (September-December) and spring (January-April) semesters. Western Michigan University's future teachers and master teachers are excited to grow and learn with your children (ages Kindergarten through 8th grade) that may be experiencing reading or writing difficulties.
—Registration is currently closed.