State approves two contracts with CTAC for continued training
The Southwest Michigan Children’s Trauma Assessment Center (CTAC) at Western Michigan University was recently awarded two separate contracts from the state.
The first is a two-year contract for the training of all Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and private agency child welfare workers in child protective services (CPS) and foster care. All children in ongoing CPS and foster care will be screened for trauma using CTAC’s trauma screening checklist. Using the CTAC trauma screening checklist tool will drive development of resiliency-based case plans. All children meeting the threshold of traumatic endorsements will be referred for a trauma assessment.
The second is a three-year contract for statewide training for secondary traumatic stress (STS) and office culture/climate. CTAC staff will provide training for all Michigan Department of Health and Human Services child welfare workers and interested private agencies. They will work to identify STS among employees and within offices while providing consultation on developing a positive and safe organizational dynamic. CTAC will also train at least one team in Critical Incident Response in each county office to provide peer support following critical incidences, including child fatalities and complex abuse cases.
If you are interested in learning more about CTAC or would like to receive trauma training, please contact CTAC at (269) 387-7073.