Poppy the Therapy Dog
Western Michigan University
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5361 USA

- Alliance of Therapy Dogs Certification
- Canine Good Citizen Title (American Kennel Club)
- Therapy Dog Title (American Kennel Club)
Poppy is a 4-year old Newfydoodle (Landseer Newfoundland + Standard Poodle, younger sibling to Oreo) and weighs 100 pounds. She came to Dr. Moe in late 2021 after being relinquished by her first family. As a young adult, her personality was right for therapy dog work but she had no formal manners. After six months of diligent work, confidence building, and socialization, she became certified through the Alliance of Therapy Dogs in June 2022. She has also earned Canine Good Citizen and Therapy Dog titles through the American Kennel Club, and recently achieved national certification in crisis response.
Favorite food: Nearly everything but carrots and kale are high on the list!
Favorite pastime: Playing with her doggie siblings.
Dislikes: Being left behind.
Magical therapy dog power: Adoring looks of comfort with her chocolate brown eyes.