Unified Clinics and the WMU Student Academy of Audiology sponsor MayFest

Grizzle and Wingard at MayFest

The Unified Clinics and the WMU Student Academy of Audiology were pleased to be sponsors of 2018 MayFest, a fundraiser for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Association in Grand Rapids.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services is entirely grant funded, so fundraising is essential to their programming. MayFest donations will be used for DHHS programs that nurture the well being of Deaf and hard-of-hearing communities as well as provide hearing aids and adaptive equipment for low-income families in southwest Michigan. The event was held on Thursday, May 17, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Dominican Center at Marywood in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Alyssa Eminhizer, Au.D. accompanied Katelyn Grizzle and Lauren Wingard, president and vice president of the WMU SAA group, at MayFest. They had a table set up in the exhibition hall where they shared information about services offered at the WMU Audiology Clinic.

The event featured silent and live auctions and testimonials from people who have been served by DHHS. Students had the opportunity to network and discover other ways in which their student organization could continue to serve the community in west Michigan.