About the Okanagan Charter
The Okanagan International Charter for Health Promoting Universities and Colleges (2015) is the most current, international framework specific to well-being in higher education. It builds upon the core concepts and principles established in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (World Health Organization, 1986), Edmonton Charter for Health Promoting Universities (2006), and Geneva Charter for Well-being (World Health Organization, 2021). It is inspirational and transformational for campuses that embrace this framework which integrates well-being, equity, and sustainability.
WMU is one of over 30 institutions in the United States and even more throughout the world that have formally adopted the Okanagan Charter and committed to transforming systems, settings, and campus culture to be a health promoting institution. Learn more about this national and international movement at https://www.healthpromotingcampuses.org/.
Okanagan Charter Milestones at WMU
Our commitment to health, wellness, and well-being at WMU is not new, but is now building momentum from important groundwork laid in the past. Here are some key efforts over the last decade that prepared WMU to elevate our commitment to transforming student and employee well-being:
- 2014-2020: Healthy Campus Committee focuses on student wellness, Western Wellness Committee focuses on employee wellness
- 2019-2021: JED Campus Initiative at WMU focuses on student mental health
- 2021: WMU selects well-being as one of seven priority goals for the next ten-year strategic plan
- 2021-22: Well-being Working Group writes recommendations for the strategic goal, objectives, actions and metrics for WMU
- Charged to infuse a strong DEI lens
- Town hall listening/SOAR sessions, reviewed multiple frameworks
- Recommended WMU infuse the Okanagan Charter
- 2022-23: WMU publishes 2022-2032 strategic plan priority goals, objectives, and key metrics that includes WMU adopting the Okanagan Charter and taking collective action for well-being (wmich.edu/strategic/future)
- June 2023: Vice President for Student Affairs agrees to champion Okanagan Charter adoption; Presentation at Student Affairs Strategic Planning Retreat
- August 2023: Consultation with US Health Promoting Campuses Network Chair; VP Student Affairs recommends adoption to WMU President who agrees to support it
- September 28, 2023: VPSA presents Okanagan Charter adoption to the Board of Trustees who unanimously support
- October 3, 2023: President’s Cabinet supports adoption
- October 4, 2023: Okanagan Charter Kickoff Team convenes
- November 7, 2023: WMU becomes 21st campus in the US and 4th in Michigan to adopt the Okanagan Charter and commit to being a health promoting university
Next Steps at WMU
We are currently working to build infrastructure, campus-wide involvement, and accountability for WMU to implement the Okanagan Charter calls to action and fulfill the requirements of US Health Promoting Campus Network member institutions.
Current action steps include:
- Convening the WMU Well-being Collective (wmich.edu/well-being/well-being-collective).
- Educating the WMU community about the Okanagan Charter framework and how each of us can contribute to this initiative.
- Implementing the WMU Strategic Plan 2022-2032 Well-being goal, objectives, and metrics.
- Participating in US Health Promoting Campus Network meetings and submitting required progress reports.
Several WMU employees are available to attend meetings and/or facilitate presentations about the Okanagan Charter and the Health Promoting University efforts at WMU. To request a meeting or presentation, please contact the Office of Health Promotion and Education at hpe-office@wmich.edu.