Flint water crisis and social justice at WMU on tap for We Talk discussions this week

Learn how Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha combined data, passion, personal experiences and effective partnerships to advocate for real change during the Flint water crisis and how the pandemic has made more evident the social and racial inequities in healthcare delivery that exist in the United States. 7 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 30. In collaboration with the Western Student Association, other WMU registered student organizations, and WMU alumni, this student-led panel will explore social justice at WMU, particularly the 1968 student sit-in at the Bernhard Center and the 1990 student sit-in at the Seibert Administration Building. How have student groups and WSA worked together over time to affect institutional change? How can they most effectively work together today? 4 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 1.