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Bronco Advocacy Network

Advocacy that Inspires, News that Matters. 

The Bronco Advocacy Network (BAN) is a monthly newsletter designed to engage and inform the Western Michigan University campus and local community—alumni, parents, students, faculty, employees, and friends—about the latest campus news, achievements, and advocacy efforts that directly impact and support the future growth of our university.

Each month, BAN addresses key updates on the initiatives and actions that are driving the success of our university.  Through collective action, over 3,500 passionate Broncos are raising their voices to advocate for WMU’s best interests in Michigan’s Capitol.

 As part of the BAN community, you’ll receive insights into ongoing advocacy efforts, success stories, and the collective impact of lasting change —all working together in support of WMU.

Through this newsletter, we aim to:

  • Highlight the efforts of our dedicated BAN members who are actively shaping the future of WMU.
  • Provide timely updates on critical legislative actions and initiatives affecting the university.
  • Empower our community with opportunities to join the advocacy network and make a difference in Michigan’s Capitol.

 By staying informed through this newsletter, you’ll join thousands of others, who directly influences the policies that help WMU thrive.


November 2023 



Do you know who represents you in the Michigan Legislature? U.S. Congress? Busy lives, term limits and shifting legislative districts sometimes make it difficult to keep track. The U.S. government hosts a website directory where you can quickly search via your address to identify the elected officials representing you at the local, state and federal levels and access links to contact information. Get in touch! Citizen input on issues is helpful and appreciated!

State government online resources