
As you earn your degree in civil or construction engineering at Western Michigan University, you'll experience hands-on learning that will place you at the forefront of the industry. You'll find research opportunities, student organizations and more that help you become career-ready at WMU.

Why study civil and construction engineering?

Civil and construction engineering is the broadest of the engineering professions and is the stem from which most other branches of engineering have developed.

Civil and construction engineering involves the planning, design, construction, maintenance and operation of facilities and systems to control and improve the environment for modern civilizations. This includes projects of major importance such as bridges, transportation systems, buildings, ports and water distribution systems.

I have always enjoyed subjects related to the STEM field and have had a deep passion for helping the environment. Civil engineering combines both of these.

—Lila Rode, civil engineering


We provide the opportunity for civil and construction engineering students to obtain state-of-the-art engineering knowledge and skills through student-centered education and research. Teamwork, professionalism and life-long learning are hallmarks of our educational programs. Faculty research is to provide innovative solutions to civil and construction engineering problems of regional, national and global significance.


Be a leader in civil and construction engineering education integrating design throughout the curriculum. Upon graduation, students will be able to perform and contribute to the global civil and construction engineering community. Be a recognized center for life-long learning in civil and construction engineering and for providing innovative research and expertise that improves our way of life.


  1. A high quality faculty: Hire and retain a highly qualified, diverse and motivated faculty who support and enhance our aspirations for excellence.
  2. Excellence in engineering education: Maintain an innovative and flexible curriculum founded in the fundamentals that emphasizes design and teamwork, and is responsive to the needs of our stakeholders.
  3. Excellence in research and scholarship: Develop and maintain a nationally and internationally recognized research program in at least three areas of civil engineering solving problems relevant to the national infrastructure and serving the state of Michigan.
  4. Contribute to life-long learning opportunities: To meet the ever-changing technological and scientific needs of practicing engineers, we will provide opportunities for engineers in the region to continue their professional development and will serve as a resource for technology transfer regarding relevant issues related to professional practice.
Zach Turner on student center construction site


Building your career

Our graduates are ready to take on challenges and advance engineering and applied sciences fields like civil and construction engineering. They are found in important roles in an array of companies worldwide. 

United States Army Corps of Engineers logo
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Michigan Department of Transportation logo
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