Grants and Sponsored Programs

Licensing and Commercialization

Evaluation Center

Contracts and Sub-awards

Equipment and Resources
Steve Weber
Corporate Engagement Representative for Research and Commercialization
The Office of Research and Innovation accelerates the discovery enterprise at Western Michigan University by supporting faculty, staff and students in their research pursuits. A substantial amount of research is being conducted at the University resulting in new findings, developments and discoveries that benefit society.
The transfer of these discoveries to the commercial sector is coordinated through our Technology and Commercialization group, which oversees the "technology transfer" function at WMU. We manage WMU's intellectual property and its commercialization. Contact us regarding research discoveries that may have commercial value, for securing IP rights (e.g., patents, licenses, copyrights), and to help develop IP commercialization strategies. Our team also provides consulting on how to work with corporations regarding IP issues and sponsored research and how to maximize research impact by combining publications with IP rights.