Ongoing Opportunities

Ongoing list of opportunities does not have specific deadlines or have rolling deadlines throughout multiple years.



Andy Warhol Curatorial Grant Program and Fellowships—Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. Rolling deadlines of March 1 and Sept. 1 annually. 

Arts and Culture Grants—Kresge Foundation

Criminal Justice, Youth Justice, and Workers’ Rights Grants—Public Welfare Foundation—funding grants for their longstanding commitment to racial equity and justice.

Development Innovation Ventures—USAID. Evidence grants up to $1,500,000 to support research and evaluations separate from proposals for tiered funding.  

Fundamental Science Research on Mind and Body Approaches (R21)—National Institute of Health 18-322. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. (R01) 18-323 Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expire Jan. 2021.

Graham Foundation—Development and exchange of diverse and challenging ideas about architecture and its role in the arts, culture, and society. Rolling deadline of Feb. 25 annually.

Greater Kalamazoo Nonprofit Grants—Irving S Gilmore Foundation. Rolling deadlines in Jan., March, May, July, Sept. and Nov. annually.

High-Risk Research in Biological Anthropology and Archaeology—National Science Foundation 19-570.

History of Art Grants Program—Kress Foundation. Rolling deadlines of Jan. 15, April 1, Oct. 1 annually. 

Institutional Grants—Tinker Foundation with goal of improving lives in Latin America. Deadlines March 15 and Sept. 15 annually.

John Templeton FoundationThe foundation’s research is intended to advance the boundaries of knowledge and contribute to human well-being. Letters of intent accepted any time, full proposals by invitation only.

Public Understanding through the Arts—Sloan Foundation. Letters of inquiry accepted anytime.  

Social Media and Democracy Research Grants—Social Science Research Council.

Speleological History Grant—National Speleological Society.


Education/Economic and Community Development

Academic Research Grant Program—Assoc. of Accountants and Financial Professionals  

Asians Studies Grants—Association for Asian Studies research and travel grants for association members. Rolling deadlines: Feb. 1 and Oct. 1 annually.

Botstiber Institute Grants—Seeks public policy research projects that advance the knowledge, acceptance and implementation of wildlife fertility control.  

Community Grants—The Skillman Foundation  

Education GrantsThe Kresge Foundation

Education Grants—Dow Foundation

Education Grants—Fred J. Brotherton Charitable Foundation.  

Community Partnerships to Advance Research (R21)—NIH 18-381. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually thru Feb. 12, 2021.  (R01)18-377. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expires Jan. 2021.

Domestic Public Policy—Smith Richardson Foundation 

Economics Research—Sloan Foundation. Letters of inquiry accepted anytime.  

Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS)—NIH 
Basic Mechanisms of Health Effects (R01)18-845. Expires June 2021
Population, Clinical and Applied Prevention Research (R21) 18-848. Expires June 2021
Population, Clinical and Applied Prevention Research (R01) 18-847. Expires June 2021
Rolling deadlines of June 27 and Oct. 24 annually. 

Equitable CommunitiesW. K. Kellogg Foundation.  

General Grant Program—Finra. To empower underserved Americans with the knowledge, skills and tools to make sound financial decisions. Concept Forms accepted anytime.

Helping north Flint neighborhoods create and sustain opportunities to contribute and thriveRuth Mott Foundation.  

Human Services Grants—Kresge Foundation

Inclusive Clean Economy—The Nathan Cummings Foundation.

Initiative to Maximize Research Education in Genomics: Courses (R25)—NIH 19-185. Letter of intent due Jan. 16, May 16, Sept. 16 annually. Expires March 2022.  

Joyce Foundation Grants—The Joyce Foundation focuses on initiatives that promise to have an impact on the Great Lakes region. Rolling Deadlines in April, Aug and Dec. annually.

Lumina Foundation—committed to increasing the proportion of Americans with high-quality degrees, certificates and other credentials to 60 percent by 2025.  

MAXIMUS Foundationthree funding priorities of youth and children development, community development and health care. Rolling deadlines of Jan. 31 and Aug. 31 annually.

Mental Health Research Dissertation Grant to Enhance Workforce Diversity (R36)—NIH 18-894. Deadlines of April 6, Aug. 6, Dec. 7 annually. Expires April 2021. 

Moody's Credit Market Research Grants—Moody's Corporation. Applications accepted anytime, reviewed quarterly.  

NLM Research Grants in Biomedical Informatics and Data Science (R01)—NIH 18-896. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expires Sept. 2021. 

Program Development or Program Evaluation—Brady Education Foundation—seeks to close the achievement-opportunity gap for children at risk for poor school outcomes. Stage 1 rolling deadlines Aug. 1 and Dec. 1 through 2019. 

Research and Scholar Funding—Russell Sage Foundation. Supports basic social science research to improve social policies: 1) Social Inequality; 2) Future of Work; 3) Race, Ethnicity & Immigration; and 4) Behavioral Economics. Annual deadlines for required LOIs Aug. or Nov. depending on project.

Research Experiences for Teachers in Engineering and Computer ScienceNSF 17-575. Deadline: third Wednesday in Sept. annually.

Research GrantsEnvironmental Research and Education Foundation. Supports research and education on solid waste management, greater sustainability, environmental stewardship, efficiency and increased knowledge. Deadlines: Jan. 6 and June 1 annually for required pre-proposal. 

Responsive Grants—The Retirement Research Foundation. Deadline: Feb. 1, May 1 or Aug. 1 annually.  

Sea World & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund Rolling deadlines of Nov. 30 and April 30 annually.  

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program—EPA. Various deadlines.

Small Research GrantsSpencer Foundation. Rolling deadlines July 1 annually.

STATEMAPThe State Component of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program.  

Stryker Johnston Foundation—supports initiatives to eliminate intergenerational poverty in Kalamazoo County. Letters on inquiry due in March and Aug. annually.  

Thriving Children, Working Families, Equitable CommunitiesW. K. Kellogg Foundation.

Unsolicited Grant Program—AccessLex, Center for Legal Education Excellence. Letters of intent by Jan. 31 or July 31 annually. 

Working Families—W. K. Kellogg Foundation  

Youth Entrepreneurship Grants—Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.  



NIH = National Institutes of Health

Academic-Industrial Partnerships for Translation of Technologies for Diagnosis and Treatment (R01)NIH 18-530. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expires Jan. 2021. 

Accelerating Basic and Translational Research in Hidradenitis Suppurativa (R21)NIH 18-718. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually thru Oct. 13, 2021. (R01) 18-719. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expire Sept. 2021. 

Accelerating the Pace of Child Health Research Using Existing Data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study (R01)—NIH 19-162 Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. (R21)—NIH 19-163 Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually.  Expire Sept. 2021.

Addressing Caregiver Symptoms through Technological ToolsNIH (R21) 19-024. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. (R01) 19-023. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expire Jan. 2021.

Addressing the Challenges of the Opioid Epidemic in Minority Health and Health Disparities Research in the U.S. (R21)NIH 18-745. Rolling deadline for letters of intent by May 14, Oct. 14 annually. Expires Nov. 2020.

Advancing Research in Augmentative and Alternative Communication  (R21)—NIH 19-046. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. (R01) 19-047. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually.  Expire Jan. 2022  

Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative AgreementsNIH 18-591. Rolling deadlines according to parent awards. Expire Jan. 2021.

Advancing Basic Neurobiology Toward Translation Through Assay Development (R01)NIH 18-505. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expire Jan. 2021.

AHRQ Health Services Research Demonstration and Dissemination Grants (R18)—DHHS 18-793. Rolling deadlines of Jan. 25, May 25, Sept. 25 annually. Expire Jan. 2021.

AHRQ Health Services Research Projects (R01)—18-795. Apply anytime up thru July 6, 2021. 

AIDS-Science Track Award for Research Transition (R03)NIH 18-916. Also supports research projects on drug misuse and/or use disorders. Rolling deadlines of Jan. 7, May 7, Sept. 7 annually. Expire Sept. 2021.

Alcohol and Other Drug Interactions: Unintentional Injuries and Overdoses: Epidemiology and Prevention (R21)—NIH 18-862. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually thru Sept. 2021.(R03) 18-861. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually thru Jan. 2022. (R01) 18-863. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually thru Sept. 2021.  

American Cancer Society Grants—American Cancer Society. New Initiatives, Research Grants and Professor Grants. Varying deadlines depending on grant type.

Avenir Award Program for Genetics or Epigenetics of Substance Use Disorders (DP1)—NIH 19-223. Letter of intent by Sept. 19 annually thru  2021.

Applying a Biopsychosocial Perspective to Self-Management of Chronic Pain (R21)—NIH 18-946. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. (R01) 18-945 rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expire Jan. 2022.

Anti-doping Micro-Grants—Partnership for Clean Competition. Requests are accepted year-round. Micro grants may take as little as one week to approve. ​

Biobehavioral Basis of Chronic Pain (R21)—NIH 18-943. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. (R01) 18-944. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expire Jan. 2022.

Bioengineering Research Partnerships (U01)NIH 19-157. Rolling deadlines of May 8, Sept. 13 annually. Expire Jan. 2022.

BRAIN Initiative: Development of Novel Tools to Probe Cell-Specific and Circuit-Specific Processes in Human and Non-Human Primate Brain (UG3/UH3)NIH 19-135. Deadlines for letters of intent due Aug. 28. Expires Sept. 2020.

BRAIN Initiative: Development and Validation of Novel Tools to Probe Cell-Specific and Circuit-Specific Processes in the Brain (R01)NIH. Deadlines: letter of intent due in Aug. 30 days prior to applications. Applications due annually Sept. 9 thru 2020. 

BRAIN Initiative: Research on the Ethical Implications of Advancements in Neurotechnology and Brain Science (R01)NIH 19-400. 
Deadlines: letter of intent due Sept. 9 thru 2020.

BRAIN Initiative: Research Resource Grants for Technology Integration and Dissemination (U24)NIH 19-006. 
Deadlines: letter of intent due Oct. 27, 2020  or May 27, 2021. Expires June 2021

BRAIN Initiative: Targeted BRAIN Circuits Planning Projects - TargetedBCPP (R34)NIH 18-014. Letter of intent by June 15 annually. Expires Nov. 2021

BRAIN Initiative: Targeted BRAIN Circuits Projects- TargetedBCP (R01)—NIH 18-030. Deadlines:  July 3 and Nov. 6 annually. Expires Nov. 2020

BRAIN Initiative: Team-Research BRAIN Circuit Programs (U19)—NIH 19-003 if including human subjects, 19-002 without human subjects. Letter of intent by Sept. 30 annually. Expires Oct. 2020.

Characterization of Mycobacterial Induced Immunity in HIV-infected and Uninfected Individuals (R2)NIH 18-923. Rolling deadlines of Jan. 14 annually. Expires Jan. 2021

Clinician Scientist Development Grant—American Cancer Society. Rolling deadlines of April 1 and Oct. 15 annually.  

Cognitive Systems Analysis of Alzheimer's Disease Genetic and Phenotypic Data (U01)NIH 19-269. LoI by Jan. 5, May 5, or Sept. 5 annually.  Expires Sept. 2022

Comparative Genomics Research Program (R01)NIH 17-482. Letter of intent by Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expires Jan. 2021.

Computationally-Defined Behaviors in Psychiatry (R21)—NIH 19-240. Letter of intent deadline Oct. 20 annually. Expires Nov. 2020.

Development and Optimization of Tasks and Measures for Functional Domains of Behavior (R01)—NIH 18-930. Rolling deadline for letter of intent Jan. 5, May 5, Sept. 5 annually. Expires Jan. 2022.

Development and Testing of Novel Interventions to Improve HIV Prevention, Care, and Program Implementation (R34)—NIH 18-780. Rolling deadlines of Mar. 16, July 16, Nov. 16 annually. Expires May 2021.

Development of Psychosocial Therapeutic and Preventive Interventions for Mental Disorders (R61/R33)—NIH 18-704. Letter of intent by Jan. 14, May 15, Sept. 15 annually. Expires Oct. 2020.

Developmental AIDS Research Center on Mental Health and HIV/AIDS (P30)—NIH 18-833. Letter of intent by Aug.11 annually. Expires Sept. 2020.

Developmental Sciences—NSF 08-1698. Full Proposal Target Dates: Jan. 15 and July 15 annually.

Diet and Physical Activity Assessment Methodology (R21)—NIH 18-857. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. (R01) 18-856. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expire Sept. 2021.  

Disease Mechanisms of Prenatal and Pediatric Hydrocephalus (R01)—NIH 18-622. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expires May 2021.

Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R21)—NIH 19-275. (R03) 19-276. Letters of intent by Jan. 16, May 16, Sept. 16 annually. (R01) 19-274. Letters of intent by Jan. 5, May 5, Sept. 5 annually.  All expires May 2022.

Early-life Factors and Cancer Development Later in Life (R21)—NIH 18-532. Letters of intent by Jan. 16, May 16, Sept. 16 annually. (R03) 18-531. Letters of intent by Jan. 16, May 16, Sept. 16 annually.  (R01) 18-529. Letters of intent by Jan. 5, May 5, Sept. 5 annually. Expire Feb. 2021. 

End-of-Life and Palliative Care Approaches to Advanced Signs and Symptoms (R21)—NIH 19-044. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. (R01) 19-145. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually.  Expires Jan. 2022.

End-of-Life and Palliative Care Health Literacy: Improving Outcomes in Serious, Advanced Illness (R21)—NIH 18-499. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. Expires Jan. 2022. (R01) 18-498. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expires May  2021.

End-of-Life and Palliative Needs of Adolescents and Young Adults with Serious Illnesses (R01) NIH 19-136. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expires Jan. 2022.

Evidence For Action—Robert Wood Johnson Foundation—Investigator-Initiated Research to Build a Culture of Health Evidence for Action.

Examining Diversity, Recruitment and Retention in Aging Research (R24)NIH 18-749. Letter of intent by April 25, Aug. 25, Dec. 25 annually.  Expires Jan. 2021.

Existing Program Evaluation Grants—Brady Education Foundation. Rolling deadlines of April 1, August 1, Dec. 1 annually.

Exploiting Genome or Epigenome Editing to Functionally Validate Genes or Variants Involved in Substance Use Disorders (R21)NIH PAR 19-278. LOI due May 24 or Nov. 17 annually. Expires Dec. 2021. 

Exploratory Research for Technology Development (R21)NIH 19-254. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually.  Expires June 2022. 

Exploratory Clinical Neuroscience Research on Substance Use Disorders (R61-R33)NIH 19-282. Letter of intent by Feb. 10, 2021; Sept. 13, 2021; June 11, 2022; or Feb. 10, 2023. Expires May 2023. 

Exploratory Developmental Bioengineering Research Grants (R21)—NIH 19-149. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. Expires Feb. 2022. 

Fundamental Science Research on Mind and Body Approaches (R21)NIH 18-322. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. (R01) 18-323. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expire Jan. 2021. 

Genetic analysis of non-human animal models to understand the genomic architecture of substance use disorders and addictive behaviors (U01)NIH 18-789. Rolling deadlines of March 21 and Aug. 19 annually. Expires March 2021. 

Generating New Insights and Mechanistic Understanding of Antibiotic Resistance Development (R21)—NIH 18-724. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. (R01) 18-725 Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expire May 2021. 

Gerber Foundation—fresh approaches to solving common, everyday problems or emerging issues within defined focus area. Applications due March 15 and Sept. 15 annually for West Michigan grants. Concept papers due May 15 and Nov. 15 annually for research awards.

Graduate Research Initiative for Student Enhancement G-RISE (T32)—NIH 18-029. Applications due April 21 annually. Expires May 2021.  

Health Grants—Kresge Foundation

Health Services Research to Address the Opioids Crisis—Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Applicants should consider this SEN active until September 30, 2021. 

High-Priority Areas for Research Leveraging EHR and Large-Scale Data (R01)NIH 18-929. Deadline Nov. 21, 2018 then rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expires Sept. 2021.

Improving Outcomes for Disorders of Human Communication(R01) 18-287. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expires May 2021.

Improving Patient Adherence to Treatment and Prevention Regimens to Promote Health (R21)NIH 18-723. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. (R01) 18-722. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expire May 2021.

Immune Response to Arthropod Blood Feeding (R21)NIH 18-860. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. Expires Oct. 2020.

Increasing Uptake of Evidence-Based Screening in Diverse Adult Populations (R01)NIH 18-932. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expires Jan. 2022.

International Research Collaboration on Drug Abuse and Addiction Research (R01)NIH 18-773. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expires May 2021.

Large Research Projects for Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections (R01)—Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expires March 2021.

Leveraging Electronic Medical Records for Psychiatric Genetic Research (R01)NIH 18-905 Collaborative. 18-904 Individual. Rolling letter of intent by Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expire Sept. 2021.

Linguistics—NSF 98-1311. Deadline: Jan. 15 or July 15 annually.

Maternal Nutrition and Pre-pregnancy Obesity: Effects on Mothers, Infants and Children (R01)—NIH 18-776. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expires Sept. 2021.

Maximizing Access to Research Careers (T34)—NIH 19-219. Applications due May 21 annually. Expire May 2021.

MAXIMUS Foundationthree funding priorities of youth and children development, community development and health care. Rolling deadlines of Jan. 31 and Aug. 31 annually.

Mechanistic Investigations of Psychosocial Stress Effects on Opioid Use PatternsNIH (R21) 18-625 Letters of intent due Jan. 16, May 16, Oct. 16 annually. (R01) 18-624 Letters of intent by Jan. 5, May 5, Sept. 5 annually. Expire Sept. 2020.

Medical Scientist Training Program (T32)NIH 19-036. Rolling deadlines of Jan. 25, May 25, Sept. 25 annually. Expires Sept. 2021.

Modulating Intestinal Microbiota to Enhance Protective Immune Responses against Cancer (R01)—NIH 19-198 and (R21)—NIH 19-199. Letters of intent due May 10, Oct. 6 annually. Expire Nov. 2021.

National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Program (R21)NIH 18-433. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. Expires Jan. 2021.

National MS Society Research FundingNational Multiple Sclerosis Society. Various programs and deadlines.

New Computational Methods for Understanding the Functional Role of DNA Variants that are Associated with Mental Disorders (R01)NIH 19-908. Letter of intent by Jan. 5, May 5, Sept. 5 annually. Expires Jan. 2022.

NICHD Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant (R21)NIH 18-482. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. Expires Jan. 2021.

NICHD Small Grant Program (R03)—NIH 18-481. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. Expires Jan. 2021.

NIDCD Early Career Research Award (R21)NIH 18-487. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 26, June 26, Oct. 26 annually. Expires Oct. 2020.

NIDDK Education Program Grants (R25)NIH 19-030. Rolling deadlines of Jan. 25, May 25, Sept. 25 annually. Expires Jan. 2021.

NIMH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant (R21)NIH 18-350. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. Expires Jan. 2021.

NINDS Exploratory Neuroscience Research Grant (R21)—NIH 18-358 Letters of intent by Jan. 16, May 16, Sept. 16 annually. Expires May 2021.

NINDS Faculty Development Award to Promote Diversity in Neuroscience Research (K01)NIH18-490. Promotes support for eligible Ph.D. or equivalent in the first 3 years of a faculty tenure track. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 12, June 12, Oct. 12 annually. Expires May 2021.

Novel Biomarkers for the Development of HIV Incidence Assays with Improved Specificity (R21)NIH 18-754. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. (R01) 18-753. Rolling deadlines of  Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expire May 2021.

Novel Genomic Technology DevelopmentNIH (R21) 18-778 Rolling deadlines. Letter of intent due July 27 annually; (R01) 18-777. Letter of intent due Sept. 2 annually; (R43/R44) 18-779 Letter of intent due Sept. 2 annually. Expire Feb. 2021.

Novel RNAs in Virology and Immune Regulation: Basic Science and Therapeutic Discovery (R21)—19-237. Applications are due Feb. 16, June 16, and Oct. 16 annuallyExpires May 2022.

Nursing Research Grants—American Nurses Foundation. Various grants annually.  

Nutritional Research Grants—Allen Foundation Inc. Deadline Jan. 15 annually.

Obesity and Asthma: Awareness and Self-Management (R01)NIH 18-379. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually.  Expires Jan. 2021.

Opportunities for Collaborative Research at the NIH Clinical Center (U01)NIH 18-951. Deadline April 15 of 2019, 2020, 2021. NIH 18-950 Recommended pre-applications are due December 11 of 2018, 2019, 2020. Expires April 2021.

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research—Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute. Multiple grants available from their institute. Various deadlines. 

PCC Research GrantsPartnership for Clean Competition. Rolling deadlines of Mar. 1, July 1, Nov. 1 annually.

Pilot and Exploratory Projects in Palliative Care of Cancer Patients and Their Families—American Cancer Society. Rolling deadlines of April 1 and Oct. 15 annually.

Pilot and Feasibility Studies of HIV and Animal Models for HIV Infection within the Mission of NIDDK (R21)—NIH. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. Expires Jan. 2021. 

Prevention Research in Mid-Life Adults (R21)—NIH 18-850. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. (R01) 18-049. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually.  Expire Sept. 2021. 

Processing and Presentation of Non-Conventional MHC Ligands (R21)—NIH 19-066. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. Expires Jan. 2022. 

Research Grants Using the Resources from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (R01)—NIH 18-409. Letter of intent by Jan. 5, May 5, Sept. 5 annually. (R21) 18-408. Letter of intent by Jan. 16, May 16, Sept. 16 annually. Expire May 2021. 

Research on Autism Spectrum Disorders (R01)—NIH 18-401. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expires Jan. 2021. (R21)18-400. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually.  Expires Jan. 2021. (R03) 18-399. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. Expires Nov. 2020. 

Research on Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions (R21)—NIH 18-939. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. Expires Jan. 2022. 

Research on Current Topics in Alzheimer's Disease and Its Related Dementias—NIH (R21) 19-071, (R01) 19-070. Rolling deadlines of Mar. 11, July 9, Nov. 12 annually. Expire Nov. 2021. 

Research Supplements to Promote Re-Entry into Biomedical and Behavioral Research Careers—NIH 18-592. Deadlines depend on parent grants. Expires Sept. 2021. 

Secondary Analyses in Obesity, Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (R21)—NIH 18-741. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16. Expires June 2021. 

Self-Management for Health in Chronic Conditions (R21)—NIH 18-384. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. (R01) 18-376. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expire Jan. 2021. 

Smart and Connected Health—NSF. Deadline:  May 22 and Dec. 11 annually.

Studies in Neonatal and Pediatric Resuscitation  (R03)—NIH 18-491. Letter of intent by Jan. 16, May 16, Sept. 16 annually. (R01)18-485. Letter of intent by Jan. 5, May 5, Sept. 5 annually. Expire Jan. 2021. 

Typical and Atypical Patterns of Language & Literacy in Dual Language Learners (R21)—NIH 18-328. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. (R01) 18-316. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expire Dec. 2020.

Undergraduate Research Initiative for Student Enhancement U-RISE (T32)—NIH 19-218. Application due April 21 annually. Expires May 2021.

Understanding and Modifying Temporal Dynamics of Coordinated Neural Activity (R21)—NIH 18-554. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. (R01) 18-555. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5 annually. Expire Feb. 2021.

Women and Sex/Gender Differences in Drug and Alcohol Abuse/Dependence (R21)—NIH 18-602. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 annually. (R01) 18-603. Rolling deadlines of Feb 5, June 5 and Oct. 5 annually. Expire May 2021.



NSF = National Science Foundation

Advanced Manufacturing—NSF 19-088Y.  

Advanced Technologies and Instrumentation—NSF 18-576. Rolling deadline of Nov. 15 annually.

AFRL/RXC Structural Materials Open BAA—Air Force Research Lab. White papers accepted anytime. Expires Sept. 2023.

Algorithms for Threat Detection—NSF 17-510. Rolling deadlines of third Tuesday in Feb. annually.

Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Grants—NSF 18-575. Rolling deadline of Nov. 15 annually. Expires Dec. 2022.

Biomechanics and Mechanobiology  (BMMB)—NSF 19-7479.   

Biological Anthropology Program - Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants—NSF 18-504. Application deadline: July 20 annually.

Broadening Participation in Engineering—NSF 19-7680 

Civil Infrastructure Systems—NSF 19-1631.

Climate and Large-Scale Dynamics—NSF 06-5740.  

CNH2: Dynamics of Integrated Socio-Environmental Systems—NSF 19-528. Letter of intent due Sept. 17 and full proposal due Nov. 15 annually. 

Communications, Circuits, and Sensing-Systems—NSF 18-7564.  

Computational Mathematics—NSF 16-1271. Rolling deadline of Dec. 1 annually. 

Computer Science for All—NSF 20-539. Deadline second Wednesday in Feb. annually.  

Condensed Matter and Materials Theory—NSF 18-500

Crosscutting Activities in Materials Research—NSF 18-7222 

Cultural Anthropology Program Senior Research Awards—NSF 18-560. Rolling deadline of Jan. 15 annually thru Sept. 14, 2031.

Cyberinfrastructure for Emerging Science and Engineering Research—NSF 20-7684

Cyberlearning for Work at the Human-Technology Frontier—NSF 17-598. Rolling deadline of second Monday in Jan. annually.

Division of Chemistry: Disciplinary Research Programs—NSF 20-577. Deadline of Nov. 1-30 annually.  

Division of Environmental Biology—NSF 20-502.

Division of Physics: Investigator-Initiated Research Projects—NSF 18-564. Multiple programs with varying due dates between fourth Wednesday in Nov. and second Tuesday in Dec. annually. 

Dynamics, Control and Systems Diagnostics—NSF 19-7569 

EHR Core Research—NSF 20-521. Deadline forth Friday in February annually.  

Electronics, Photonics and Magnetic Devices—NSF 18-1517.  

ELINT Collection, Processing and Exploitation—Department of Defense. White papers due Sept. 30 annually through 2022.

Engineering Design and System Engineering—NSF 19-072Y  

Engineering for Civil Infrastructure—NSF PD-19-073Y 

Energy and Environment Research—Sloan Foundation. Letters of inquiry accepted anytime.  

Energy, Power, Control, and Networks—NSF 18-7607 

Frontier Research in Earth Sciences—NSF 20-509. Deadline first Wednesday in Feb. annually.  

Geobiology and Low-Temperature Geochemistry—NSF 15-559

Geometric Analysis—NSF 18-1265. Deadline of first Tuesday in Nov. annually.  

Growing Convergence Research—NSF 19-551. Deadline first Monday in Feb. annually.   

Humans, Disasters, and the Built Environment—NSF 19-1638 

Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Education and Human Resources—NSF 19-601. Various deadlines. 

Innovations at the Nexus of Food, Energy and Water Systems—NSF 18-545.

Interface Engineering: Using Surface Chemistry to Impart Desired Properties—The National Academies of Sciences Engineering Medicine. Rolling deadlines Feb. 1, May 1, Aug. 1, Nov. 1 annually.

Joint DMS/NIGMS Initiative to Support Research at the Interface of the Biological and Mathematical Sciences—NSF 20-575. Application period Sept. 1 to 18 annually. 

Long Term Research in Environmental Biology—NSF 18-597.   

Mathematical Sciences Infrastructure Program—NSF 18-1260. Deadline Dec. 17 annually. Expires Jan. 2032.

Mathematics Travel Grants for Women—Association for Women in Mathematics. Rolling deadlines for various grants.

Mechanics of Materials and Structures—NSF 19-1630 

Michelson Grant in Reproductive Biology—Michelson Prize & Grants.

Mind, Machine and Motor Nexus—NSF 19-058Y 

M-TRAC—Michigan Economic Development Corporation. Offer funding $100K-$250K, requiring a 10% cost share from a WMU investigator/institution. Administered by:
     MTU for advanced applied materials. Letter of Intent due Jan. 19.
     MSU for agbio. Starter award proposals due in Aug. annually. Full award proposals due in Nov. annually. 

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency University Research Initiative—National Geospatial-Intelligence. White papers accepted any time until Dec. 31, 2021.  

National Robotics Initiative 2.0: Ubiquitous Collaborative Robots—NSF 20-522. Proposals due, fourth Wednesday in Jan. annually.  

NSF-BSF Participating NSF Programs—NSF. Many collaborative projects.  

NSF-CBMS Regional Research Conferences in the Mathematical Sciences—NSF 19-539. Proposals due the last Friday in April annually. 

Operations Engineering—NSF 19-006Y 

Opportunities for Promoting Understanding through Synthesis—NSF 20-564. Proposals due the first Monday in Aug. annually.  

Partnerships for Innovation—NSF 19-506. Deadline: second Wednesday in Jan. or second Wednesday in July annually.  

PFE: Research Initiation in Engineering Formation—NSF 20-558. Deadline: second Tuesday in Nov. annually. 

Physics of Living Systems—NSF 20-580. Various annual deadline for individual programs.

Plant Genome Research Program—NSF 18-579 

Professional Formation of Engineers: Research Initiation in Engineering Formation—NSF 20-558. Deadline last Thursday in February annually.

Request for Solid Waste Proposals—Environmental Research & Education Foundation. Pre-proposals accepted by May 1 and Dec. 1 annually.  

Research Grants and Grants-in-Aid—Whitehall Foundation. Rolling deadlines for letters on intent Jan. 15, April 15, Oct. 1 annually.

Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace—NSF 19-603.  

SBE Postdoctoral Research Fellowships—NSF 18-584. Deadline Nov. 1 annually.

Science of Learning and Augmented Intelligence Program—NSF 19-127Y. Rolling deadlines of third Wednesday in Jan. and second Wednesday in July annually.

Science of Organizations—NSF 11-8031. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 2 and Sept. 3 annually.  

Science of Science: Discovery, Communication, and Impact—NSF 19-125Y. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 9 and Sept. 9 annually.  

Science Research Grants—Dow Foundation.  

Scientific Research Instrumentation Program—M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust. Letter on intent accepted anytime. Proposals by invitation only.  

Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace—NSF 19-603 

Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology—NSF 17-536

Smart and Connected Health—NSF 18-541

Sociology Program Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Awards—NSF 18-577. Deadline Oct. 29, 2018, then Oct. 15 annually. 

Statistics—NSF 18-1269. Deadline Dec. 1 to 15 annually.  

Statistics Research, Analysis & Data Visualization—NSF through Zintellect. As of June 2021 positions are open until filled.

Structural Integrity Research Collaborations for Aircraft (SIRCA)—Department of Defense. White papers anytime. Expires Oct. 2023. 

Targeted Grants in Mathematics & Physical Sciences—Simons Foundation

Training-based Workforce Development for Advanced Cyberinfrastructure—NSF 19-524. Rolling deadlines in Jan.-Feb. annually. 

Women in Engineering ProgramEngineering Information Foundation. Rolling deadlines of Feb. 28 and Aug. 31 annually.  


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