Interior Architecture and Design Achievements and Post-Graduation Activity

Western Michigan University, Interior Architecture and Design, Bachelor of Science. Full-time students typically take 15 credits per semester and the program is designed to be completed in four years. The following data was collected from the Office of Institutional Research.

Student Attrition and Retention

First-year cohorts are open admission with a portfolio review at the completion of the second year. There is a mandatory review for admission into the final two years of the program. The first-year cohort number has an attrition rate of 50%.  A maximum of 20 to 24 students are admitted into the final two years. Note: the university graduation rate number reflects the first-year entry cohort not those admitted to the final two years. 

Graduation Rates

Calculated from first-year enrollment. IAD has a second-year review, accepting only 50% of the first-year cohort into the final two years of the program.

2017 - Cohort of 20; 40.0% Graduation Rate by Y4; 45.0% by Y5
2018 - Cohort of 12; 41.7% Graduation Rate by Y4
2019 - Cohort of 20

Acceptance into Graduate Programs

Data coming soon.

Job Placement Rates

 Data coming soon. 

Overall Majors in Interior Architecture and Design

2018 - 75
2019 - 87
2020 - 105
2021 - 82
2022  - 86
2023 - 

Initial Enrollments by Gender


Female: 69
Male: 6


 Female: 79
Male: 8


Female: 101 
Male: 4


Female: 77
Male: 5


Female: 77
Male: 9




Applicant Count

2018 - 130

2019 - 115

2020 - 143

2021 - 158

2022 - 191

2023 -

Application yields range from 15% to 22%