UMSC December Minutes

UNION-MANAGEMENT SAFETY COMMITTEE December 2023 Meeting Minutes The monthly meeting of the Union-Management Safety Committee was conducted on December 12th, 2023 by the Environmental Health and Safety department with the following individuals in attendance: Josh Balfour A Dining Services Cindy Beebe A Custodial Services-Auxiliary Enterprises Kathy Cain-Babbitt A AFSCME Kelly Duncan A Landscape Services Mark Heeres A Dining Services Devin Johnson A Maintenance Services Justin Keech A Custodial Services Pat Lem A Maintenance Services Keith Pung A Environmental Health and Safety Vince Renda A Maintenance Services Judy Slumkoski A Custodial Services Juanita Snell A Custodial Services Laura Weber VA Legal Affairs, Risk, and Compliance Mark Weiss A Environmental Health and Safety Jake Woods A Environmental Health and Safety In-Person Attendance: (A) Virtual Attendance: (VA) OLD BUSINESS Josh Balfour provided an update to the concerns regarding degradation of paint on a drivable curb located near the Valley Dining Center loading dock. The curb had been painted, post construction of the VDC per Dining Services request, to alert pedestrians and passenger vehicles of its presence. The paint has since worn off and instances of passenger vehicles driving over and potentially incurring damage have been observed; particularly during move-in week. Josh attempted to contact Parking Services to request re-painting and is awaiting response. Devin Johnson will investigate and provide a follow up. Pat Lem previously provided an update to the safety concern involving damaged concrete located at the Student Recreation Center loading dock. A trip and fall hazard is present due to the deteriorated walking surface materials. Pat investigated and submitted information to the Facilities Management Service Center; work order #LN-100775 was issued to the Landscape Services department. COMPLETED/CLOSED Jake Woods previously shared an update to the safety concern regarding significant damage to the concrete sidewalk located adjacent to Lawson Drive on the vehicle bridge. A trip and fall hazard is present due the damaged materials. Jake investigated and brought the situation to the attention of Facilities Management and Landscape Services management. The area was added to their list of campus areas requiring repair and FM Engineering was also made aware due to the proximity to the vehicle-pedestrian bridge. COMPLETED/CLOSED Vince Renda shared an update to the safety concern involving a diamond-plated metal walking platform located at the loading dock of the Student Center. The elevated metal walkway connects the loading dock to a nearby trash dumpster and had been observed by the building custodians to be slippery, particularly when wet. Committee discussions recommended installation of non-slip tape or other coating material to increase traction and prevent the likelihood of a slip and fall accident. Vince provided photo documentation of having installed non-slip taping on the metal platform walking platform immediately following the November meeting. COMPLETED/CLOSED Juanita Snell provided an update to the question regarding whether the exterior, inclined, cement walkway located in between Wood Hall and the Chemistry Building was going to be closed during the winter season, as it had been in years past. Juanita stated that the walkway in question was recently closed off for the season by the Landscape Services department. COMPLETED/CLOSED Jake Woods provided an update to the safety concern involving overhead lighting at the intersection of Valley 2 Dr. and Ring Road N. It was previously stated that the lighting systems were not providing adequate illumination to the pedestrian cross walk. Discussions also mentioned that there had been some close call incidents involving student pedestrians and Maintenance Services vehicles due to not being able to see dark clothed persons. Jake investigated and brought the situation to the attention of the FM Engineering and Maintenance Services departments. Further assessment by the Engineering group determined that lighting levels currently being provided meet/exceed University standards. Jake was also made aware that a lighting system in the immediate area had malfunctions that had since been corrected. Further communication between the two departments indicated that a different type of directional bulb may be investigated. COMPLETED/CLOSED PROJECT LIST/TABLE No updates. NEW BUSINESS Cindy Beebe introduced a safety concern regarding the obstruction of exit doors and pathways in the Fetzer Center. She mentioned that an emergency exit and egress pathway had been found to be obstructed by catering racks and equipment during/after a large event at the facility. Mark Weiss will investigate and provide a follow up. Mark Weiss mentioned that a recent injury which occurred at the Valley Dining Center resulted in an onsite inspection by MIOSHA and issued citations. The source of injury was immediately rectified-guarded following the incident and the University is in the process of abating further issues. SAFETY HAPPENINGS Laura Weber shared that the WMU Risk Management Office is bringing its loss control representative to campus to present on several topics January, 24, 2024, in room 2209 of the Student Center. All are welcome to attend any of the sessions: Heat Related Illness and Death 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., RSO Risk 9:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m., and Social Media Risk 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Any questions, call (269) 387-4825. Jake Woods shared the importance of a Safer Holiday Season at Work during the month of December. This is an annual observance held each year highlighting awareness of the biggest safety concerns during the holidays including drunk and/or drowsy driving, fatigue, and holiday stress. Further information can be found at: The next UMSC meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 9th, 2024 in the shared conference room located on the ground floor of the E.W. Building at 10:00 a.m.; an invitation to attend via video conferencing platform (WebEx) will also be sent out with these minutes. Please send a substitute representative if you are unable to attend. Published: 12/18/2023