UMSC February Minutes


February 2025 Meeting Minutes


The monthly meeting of the Union-Management Safety Committee was conducted on February 11th, 2025 by the Environmental Health and Safety department with the following individuals in attendance:


Kathy Cain-Babbitt     A                     AFSCME

Cindy Beebe               A                     Custodial Services

Mark Frever                A                     Landscape Services

Devin Johnson            A                     Maintenance Services

Darrell Junkins            A                     Landscape Services

Greg Macleery            VA                  Dining Services

David Prellwitz           A                     Landscape Services

Keith Pung                  A                     Environmental Health and Safety

Juanita Snell                A                     Custodial Services

Laura Weber               VA                  Legal Affairs, Risk, and Compliance

Mark Weiss                 A                     Environmental Health and Safety

Jacob Woods               A                     Environmental Health and Safety


In-Person Attendance:        (A)

Virtual Attendance:            (VA)




Devin Johnson previously provided an update to the safety concern regarding condition of stairwell/steps located at the central loading dock of Goldsworth Valley #1.  Maintenance Services personnel from the Region Shops located in the basement utilize this dock and building entry point. The concrete exterior steps are deteriorating and require repair-replacement.  Devin mentioned that necessary repairs to the stair tread of the interior stairwell steps were completed by Maintenance Services and that they will further investigate the exterior steps when warmer weather allows. 


Mark Frever previously provided an update to the safety issue involving the granite walkway slabs located outside of the Student Center becoming uneven. The developing trip and fall hazard observed by employees, seemed to be increasing in severity.  It was mentioned during previous meetings that the nearby water feature incurred a water leak that subsequently caused soil erosion under some of the walkway slabs.  Mark mentioned that a contractor has been engaged by Facilities Managed to reset the affected slabs.  Repair efforts, previously scheduled for the Thanksgiving Break, were postponed due to inclement conditions.  Completion is expected pending a break in the weather. 





No Updates, Bernhard Center site restoration project near completion. 














Damaged Concrete/Brick Areas on Campus
Location on CampusWork CompletedStatus
Damaged bricks located behind a bench-seating fixture near SW#1 of the Miller Auditorium Parking Structure (#2) FM work order, #LS-103090 / LW-100020, was submitted on 8/13/19Open
Damaged curbing located at the East end of Parking Lot #68 (Bernhard Center and Henry Hall)FM work order, LN-100370, was submitted on 10/13/21 Open
Damaged bricks at Dalton Center, exterior near entry #3FM work order, LW-100448, was submitted on 6/15/22. Open
Waldo Stadium, walkways near sections D/E

FM work order, LA-100111, 

now FM Project #P-220189.

Faunce Student Services, stairs/walkway near front entryFM work order, LW-100634Open
SRC Loading DockFM work order, LN-100775Open




Cindy Beebe introduced safety concerns regarding winter weather safety and improvements that could be made for late shift Custodial Services personnel.  She first explained that custodians observed multiple student pedestrians slipping/falling on a specific walkway.  The custodians were unsure if it would be appropriate to report or if it should be assumed Landscape Services already knew about the issue.  The committee discussed the situation and strongly recommended that any future similar occurrence should be made known immediately to the FM Service Center; FM Service would then inform Landscape Services who will target snow removal and salt application efforts.  Cindy also inquired the committee whether it would be possible for late shift Custodial Services employees could be provided a small container of salt that could be used to prevent slips-falls when exiting personal vehicles.  The committee discussed and agreed that the requested materials should be provided; Landscape Services would prepare materials and have them ready at the Physical Plant for pickup as discussed.




Laura Weber shared that the WMU Office of Legal Affairs Risk and Compliance are bringing its loss control representative to campus to present on several topics March 25, 2025, in room 2209 of the Student Center.  All are welcome to attend any of the sessions: Heat Related Illness and Death 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., RSO Risk 9:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m., and Social Media Risk 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.  Any questions, call (269) 387-4825.


Mark Frever discussed Landscape Service’s upcoming social media campaign, led by Laura Kirkendall, that will encourage campus pedestrians to wear proper winter footwear.  It will be specifically noted that Crocs and other summer footwear are not advisable and do not provide adequate traction which can lead to a slip, trip, or fall accident. 


Mark Weiss reminded the Committee members to be aware of the upcoming forecasted winter weather.  Utilizing safe walking practices and defensive driving techniques are strongly encouraged and all injuries should be reported at


Jake Woods shared that the National Institute for Health recognizes February as American Hearth Month, a national effort to increase awareness that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. and that prioritizing your heart can help you avoid severe illness.  Practicing self-care can keep our hearts healthy. Being physically active, eating healthier foods, getting enough sleep, not smoking, and finding healthy ways to reduce stress can help prevent heart disease.  Further information can be found at:




The next UMSC meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 in the shared conference room located on the ground floor of the E.W. Building at 10:00 a.m.; an invitation to attend via video conferencing platform (WebEx) will also be sent out with these minutes.  Please send a substitute representative if you are unable to attend.

Published: 2/18/2025