Excess Compensation in Sponsored Programs Procedure

Effective Date: April 1, 2019

1. When a faculty member is requesting excess compensation above their base salary in a sponsored project proposal the following procedures must be followed:

1.1. The faculty member must submit a memo, prior to proposal submission, to the Provost requesting approval. The request must substantiate the need for excess compensation based on the excerpt from 2 CFR Part 200.430 below. This request must be routed and approved by the faculty member's Chair and Dean concurring that these duties are in addition to their regular departmental load (teaching, research, and public service) and across departmental lines. 

1.2. If approved by the Provost, then the request must be clearly spelled out in the sponsored project proposal, routed through the normal process to Research and Sponsored Programs (with Provost approval attached), and subsequently approved by the Sponsor prior to payment of any excess compensation paid on sponsored project funds.

1.3. If a request for excess compensation is made after the award, step 1 must still be followed and a separate request to the Sponsor asking for approval must be initiated and routed through Research and Sponsored Programs.  Research and Sponsored Programs will counter-sign the request, upon approval from the Provost, and submit the request to the Sponsor. Sponsor approval must be received prior to any payment of any excess compensation.

1.4. Normally excess compensation, from sponsored program funds, should be processed via the appropriate appointment form

2. Related Policies

Excess Compensation in Sponsored Programs Policy

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