Honors College Insight

Posted by Bethany Gauthier on
May 11, 2022
Students make the W with their hands.

Need some advice for a good study spot, great takeout, or how to manage life as an honors student? Meet some of our awesome students who have just wrapped up their first year!

Photo of Alex Kasprzyk.

Name: Alex Kasprzyk

Major: Secondary Education (Biology), minoring in Chemistry

Campus activities: Western Student Association (WSA) Senator representing the LHC

Pet(s): Oz the Beagle, who dressed as a taco for Halloween

Favorite study spot: 10th floor of Sprau Tower

Advice for new students: Go to all the events. It might seem cheesy, but that's where I met friends I now hang out with every day.

Photo of Harriet Carr.
Name: Harriet Carr

Major: Stage Management

Campus activities: Production assistant and clarinet player in WMU Theatre's recent production of "The Old Man and the Old Moon"

Favorite place for takeout near campus: Two Fellas Grill

Favorite study spot: Gilmore Theatre Complex Design Lab

Advice for new students: Make sure you don't put off going to events and getting in your community service hours!

Photo of Nancy Chau.

Name: Nancy Chau

Major: Biomedical Sciences

Campus activities: Alpha Lambda Delta, A Moment of Magic, Women’s Business Network, Women in STEM

Favorite place for takeout near campus: Saffron

Favorite study spot: My dorm lounge

Advice for new students: Take the time to explore campus and Kalamazoo, but make sure to set time to study as well and if you struggle, reach out to advisors, your RA, tutoring center and many other resources—they’re here to help!