The PeopleSoft HR system's reporting feature allows authorized Western Michigan University users to view existing reports or to run programs to produce reports on demand.
PeopleSoft Navigation
See the PeopleSoft Systems 9.2 Upgrade website for further details regarding new navigation. Below are the new user guides for the 9.2 version.
Management Data Report
- For access to this report, please complete the PeopleSoft information access authorization form located in the PeopleSoft access and reporting section at Forms: System Access and Reporting.
- Data dictionary
- Running the report: detailed and quick click instructions - PeopleSoft 9.2 version
PeopleSoft Timekeeper Report
- For access to this report, please complete the PeopleSoft information access authorization form located in the PeopleSoft access and reporting section at Forms: System Access and Reporting.
- Data fields on this report include name, employee ID, job number, effective date, job indicator, Kronos job indicator, WIN, job code, title, grade, step, comp rate, annual base pay, account code, FICA status, work study, termination date and Form I-9 date.
- Please note: This report only includes data for temporary employees and student employees.
- Running the report: detailed and quick click instructions - PeopleSoft 9.2 version
- How to run a program - PeopleSoft 9.2 version
- How to view scheduled reports - PeopleSoft 9.2 version
- Reporting Resources at WMU (presentation slides)
- Reports: Quick reference guide
Reauthorization of Security
Twice a year in spring and fall semesters you will be asked to re-authorize your systems access. It begins with an email from WMU Registrar Information with a subject pertaining to WMU Systems Re-Authorization has begun. If you are a supervisor, there is a second approval process. It is very critical to complete the re-authorization in order for access to continue. The process only takes a few clicks and we greatly appreciate your compliance.
More information?
If you have questions or would like more information about electronic reporting via the PeopleSoft HR system, please contact Angie LaVoy.