Janet Hahn
Western Michigan University
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5381 USA

- Decision making for long-term care
- Cross-cultural approaches to autonomy
- Cultural sensitivity
Dr. Janet Hahn is the coordinator of the Center for Gerontology at Western Michigan University.
As a sociologist with extensive work experience in health care, Hahn’s research focuses on respect for older individuals in need of long-term care as well as the quality of health care. She has a particular interest in autonomy in decision-making for those with dementia or in need of long-term care. She is increasingly interested in cultural variations in values of autonomy recognizing that some individuals prefer to have others make decisions for them in certain situations. In addition to her research on participation in decision-making, Hahn has studied nursing home culture change which is largely based on increasing resident choice.
Besides her administrative duties in running the Center for Gerontology, Hahn teaches GRN 1000: Introduction to Aging Studies. This course introduces students to many medical ethical issues including distribution of resources, the health effects of racism, the value of elders, the experience of dying, cultural differences and the decisions faced by those with chronic conditions.