Dawn over east campus at WMU.

All Life is Learning - January 2024

Director's Note

Director's Note

Happy New Year! 

As we prepare for a new semester, here are some friendly reminders: 

  • Course registration begins January 10 at 10 a.m. We all know that this can be a super busy time as the phones are ringing and we are working feverishly to help all of our members. Please remember that self-registration online is the fastest way to register for courses—we have included step-by-step course registration instructions in the Curriculum section of this Newsletter with the hope that this will make the process more effective and efficient for everyone. 
  • Note that we will have staff support helping during registration, but if you call, you may not get through immediately, so please leave a message and your call will be returned. 
  • If you are not registering online, you can send your course registration directly to the OLLI office with your payment (preferably by check). Be sure to drop it in the mail early so that it reaches the office before January 10. Please do not include a credit card number. 
  • To be eligible for the member-discounted course rate, you must be a member at the time you register for courses. If you want to be assured that you will receive the membership discount, make sure you are a current OLLI member. If you are not a member, register for or add your membership to the cart first, then begin registering for courses. 
  • Lastly, if you know someone who would like to take an OLLI course but might need a little assistance, please let them know that there are course scholarships available. Just have them call the office at (269) 387-4157 and we will be delighted to assist them. 



Toni Woolfork-Barnes, Ed.D.
Director, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at WMU  


Are you ready for the winter/spring semester? We have an incredible array of courses as we do each semester, and thanks to our continued partnership with the wonderful Osher Online program, you can start learning as soon as the new year begins! Typically, we only have a few courses available before February, but because Osher Online’s curriculum kicks off in January, our members get special early registration access to eight of their offerings! These six-session courses begin the second week of January and are perfect for members who want to dive a little deeper into intellectual exploration. 

You can easily register for an Osher Online course right now. You will find them by using the link that says “Osher Online Courses” in the course registration section of our digital catalog page. Please note, there is a limited number of seats for all Osher Online courses, so registering early means you will have a better chance of securing your spot! 

If you have any questions, our OLLI at WMU staff will be back in the office on Wednesday, January 3, 2024. Remember, if you need help with the Osher Online courses specifically, you are asked to contact their staff directly via e-mail at OsherOnline@northwestern.edu or by phone at (312) 503-5555. Osher Online staff will also return to their offices in the first week of January.

Registration for OLLI at WMU course offerings officially opens January 10 at 10 a.m. Please note that there have been some new courses and clarifications added to the catalog in comparison to the course mailer you received at home. Courses that didn’t make the mailer or had a change are below. However, they are included in the electronic catalog, which you can peruse by heading to our website. 

  • Courses expanded

    Keeping Your Computer Safe with Charlie Olszewsking has expanded to a 3-session course taking place on Wednesday 2/21, Tuesday 2/27, and Wednesday 2/28 from 2 to 4 p.m.

  • Courses added
    1. Demystifying Artificial Intelligence with Alexander Kowitz & Nathan Wollensak
    2. Care for the Dementia Care-Giving Journey with Heather Renter
    3. How to Reduce or Eliminate Distracted Driving with Marv Berkowitz
    4. Today's Technology: How Does It Work? with Elizabeth Burnette via Osher Online
  • Step-by-Step Online Registration
    1. After browsing the catalog, click the button that says, “Click Here to Register.”
    2. Sign into your membership account by entering your username and password.
      • If you are an OLLI member or previous registrant, you already have a username. If you do not know what it is, or need help creating a new account, email the OLLI office at wmu-olli@wmich.edu.
      • Remember, members enjoy the lowest course fees and many other benefits. Make sure to Add a Membership to your cart if you have not yet renewed your annual membership.
    3. Under the Courses tab, click on the link for the appropriate starting month for the course you are interested in taking. 
    4. To register for Osher Online courses, you can find them under their own link: “Osher Online Courses.” 
    5. Browse for your desired course and click the “Add to Cart” button.
    6. Please review your course selection to make sure you do not have courses that overlap in terms of dates and times.
    7. When you finish selecting all of your courses, click the Cart button to check out.
    8. Check out to complete your transaction—now you’re ready for class!
      • For virtual courses, online access links will be sent to you prior to your course start date.
      • For on-campus classes, parking passes will be emailed a week before your course start date, if needed.

OLLI Winter/Spring by the Numbers

  • Over 60 courses, 12 Osher Online courses, 5 new instructors, 6 grad student instructors, and 3 trips

What OLLI Members are saying...  


Inside the NFL’s Third Team on the Field with Ronald Kramer: 

“Superb course! Instructor was complete, through, and competent.”  

“Ron’s personal stories were the best part!”  

Even More Iconic Photos Class with Sam Grossman:  

“Sam did a great job selecting and explaining famous photos. Seeing other photos of the same setting or by the same person made it more interesting.”  

The History of Modern Philosophy with McGwire Hidden:  

“Loved the class!! So grateful for the opportunity. Readings were challenging and close reading of text in class really helped. The class provided me with the opportunity to think about things I would not have otherwise. Instructor clearly enjoyed thinking about, discussing, and teaching the subject matter.”  

Mollies and Wobblies and More with Tom Dietz:  

“Your amazing knowledge and enthusiasm for your subjects provide your OLLI students with stimulating classes. I appreciate your generosity in sharing with us. Thanks!”  


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Register now for January Thaw! 

Come in from the cold and join us for OLLI’s annual January Thaw event on Wednesday, January 24, from 1 to 3 p.m. at People’s Church (1758 10th Street in Kalamazoo). In addition to socializing and meeting instructors for our winter/spring courses, our membership drive is in full swing—so spread the January Thaw warmth and invite your family, friends, and neighbors to join. Plus, if they become OLLI members, you could win our All In for OLLI membership contest! We’ll also be collecting needed supplies for the Kalamazoo Literacy Council, so don’t forget your donations, and be sure to bring your favorite old reads for our always-popular Book Swap! This is a free event; click here to register by January 15. 


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Membership & Marketing

Are you All In for OLLI? 

Calling all OLLI members! How do you feel about winning a free course? Or even better, a night out on the town for dinner and a show? Join our All In for OLLI Membership Contest taking place in December, January, and February and you could be the lucky winner! Participants who sign up the most new members to join OLLI at WMU will be entered into the contest with the opportunity to win a Grand Prize of dinner and a play with the next 3 winners receiving a free course of their choice (excluding the Osher online courses). 


Are you All In for OLLI? There are several ways to participate in the Membership Contest:

  1. Take advantage of our special discounted Gift Membership price of just $40, good for the duration of the contest! Call the office at (269) 387-4157 and we will do the rest—easy peasy. Gift packaging available!
  2. Ask your friend or neighbor if they are a member and, if they aren’t, tell them what you like about OLLI—the unique courses, exciting trips, and fun-filled social events that you’ve participated in as a part of our lifelong learning community. Then, encourage them to become a member or gift them a membership before February 29. Be sure to contact the OLLI office by phone or email so we know that you referred them and you can get credit.  
  3. Even better, invite your friends and neighbors to join us for our annual January Thaw event, happening at the People’s Church from 1 to 3 p.m. on January 24. They can easily sign up to become a member there, plus discover this semester’s course offerings and meet new OLLI friends!
  4. If you plan to take a course in February that isn’t full, you can take advantage of our Bring a Friend program and invite them to sit in on it with you for free! The course liaisons will have membership forms available.


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Wellness Moment

Secrets to Vitality 

Introducing nonagenarian Bob Simonds. I have had the pleasure of knowing Bob as a fixture at West Hills for as long as I can remember. He joined West Hills in 2005 at the youthful age of 77.  He was born during the depression era, and his birth year in Roman numerals is MCMXXVII.  That is a big number! He can be counted on to be seen working out at West Hills very Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning like clockwork. He keeps his workouts simple, enjoying the stationary bike and the “fancy” machines for his strength training. In addition, he still likes to cut his own grass. 

Tyler Norman, Ph.D.
Manager of Corporate Outreach
ACSM Exercise Physiologist
NCFI Corporate Fitness Specialist
West Hills Athletic Club, WMU

It all started back in the early 60’s when he was a big smoker and a big eater, and he had to stop and catch his breath while walking and talking. About the same time his first kid was born, that was it, he decided to go to what was then called the Kalamazoo Center (where the Radisson is located now), and start swimming, lifting weights, and no more smoking. The pounds fell off, his lung capacity improved, and ultimately, he lost more than 30 pounds! He continues this fitness routine well into retirement, simply replacing swimming with a stationary bike.   

Bob started playing the trumpet at age 7. That would be approximately 1934. That would be 88 years of trumpet playing. There is no way the trumpet has nothing to do with his longevity. He played the trumpet in the Army for two years, which he refers to as a “two year paid vacation,” then with the Bobby Davidson band for 32 years. Today Bob still plays trumpet year-round in gigs with the River City Concert Band. The ripple effects are endless. For openers, lung capacity. He always wanted to be playing gigs because that meant less practice. Anyone out there who plays an instrument knows that focus and concentration are required. Add to that the creative juices that get flowing with music, and the social aspects of playing in bands. So far, we have hit the physical, social, and mental aspects of wellness, and when you add the confidence and self-esteem that is built with developing mastery of anything, emotional wellness as well. 

Bob admits that his diet was better when his wife was still alive, and that his preferred oven is the microwave oven. He eats three meals per day and not much snacking in-between meals. He does not take any prescription medications, which is incredible for anyone over the age of 65, although he does take a multivitamin and a vitamin E supplement. He will enjoy a Bell’s beer every now and then and attributes part of his longevity to genetics (Mom lived to 102). Unbelievably, he has never owned a cell phone or a computer. He says he never really saw the need for either, and I am convinced this has added years to his life, or more accurately, not taken years off. Whatever you are doing Bob, keep doing it!


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OLLI Spotlight

Volunteering for OLLI Offers Something for Everyone!

OLLI welcomed 24 new volunteers to our Events, Special Projects, Evaluation & Assessment, Liaison, Travel, and Curriculum committees this fall, and we are delighted to keep the momentum going in 2024 with the re-launch of our Volunteer committee! Marilyn Vineyard and Arlene Brislen formed this committee in 2011, which provided an in-person welcome and first point of contact for anyone interested in volunteering to help support our OLLI community. It took a hiatus during the pandemic, and now Marilyn is passing the torch to Mary Doud for the re-launch. Mary will be bringing volunteer updates to this newsletter each month. Welcome, Mary! If you are interested in volunteering and want to learn about the many opportunities available for you to get involved, please reach out to the OLLI office by emailing us at wmu-olli@wmich.edu.


Make an impact with a gift that gives back!

As you think about the new year and how much you value the incredible benefits of lifelong learning and community enrichment, we invite you to consider a unique and impactful way to contribute to the future of Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Western Michigan University with the creation of a Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA). 

What is a Charitable Gift Annuity? A Charitable Gift Annuity is a philanthropic tool that allows you to make a gift to OLLI at WMU while receiving a fixed income stream for life. This mutually beneficial arrangement not only supports our mission of providing high-quality educational experiences for adults but also offers you significant financial benefits.  


Key Benefits for You Include:

  1. Steady, Reliable Income: Enjoy a fixed income for life or a set period, providing financial security in your retirement years.
  2. Immediate Tax Deduction: Receive an immediate charitable income tax deduction in the year you make the gift, potentially lowering your overall tax liability.
  3. Capital Gains Tax Savings: If you contribute appreciated assets, you may avoid or reduce capital gains taxes that would result from selling those assets.
  4. Support Lifelong Learning: Contribute to OLLI’s future sustainability, ensuring that generations to come have access to the enriching programs and experiences that change lives and define our institute’s mission.
  5. Leave a Lasting Legacy: Make a meaningful impact on OLLIs legacy, leaving behind a testament to your commitment to education and lifelong learning.

To learn more or request a personalized illustration, please visit our gift planning website or call Jennifer Yelovina, Senior Director of Gift Planning at (269) 387-8791


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Community Connections

The Kalamazoo Macintosh Users Group invites any and all OLLI members to attend their free monthly meetings. For more than 40 years, the Kalamazoo Macintosh Users Group (KMUG) has supported Kalamazoo area Apple product users. They can help you get the most from all your Apple products and have fun at the same time! 

You’ll learn how to gain control of your iPhone from patient teachers who specialize in helping beginners and older adults understand how to use their ever-changing Apple products. They’ll explain technology updates, demonstrate how to use different software and apps, as well as conduct Q&A sessions at every meeting. 

The KMUG meets at 9 a.m. on the third Saturday of each month (except in December) at the Portage District Library. Meetings generally run from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Join them for their next meeting on Saturday, January 20, 2024—no RSVP is required—just feel free to drop in! 

For more information about the Kalamazoo Macintosh Users Group, visit their website at kmug.us.


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Kalamazoo Literacy Council

Happy New Year! We're especially excited because 2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the Kalamazoo Literacy Council. Since 1974, our programs have helped empower adults to reach their full potential as parents, employees, and community members by providing free basic literacy services for those who struggle to read. We have lots of exciting events planned throughout the year ahead to celebrate our learners and the volunteers who serve them.

If you're passionate about literacy and would like to share your story or a word of congratulations, we'd love to hear from you! Please contact Kito at (269) 382-0490 ext. 211 or kjumanne-marshall@kalamazooliteracy.org. To learn more about the KLC and opportunities to volunteer, visit kalamazooliteracy.org. 


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What is the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute?

The program was initiated under the auspices of the WMU Emeriti Council and WMUx. OLLI offers intellectually lively and culturally appealing learning experiences. We accomplish this by focusing on intellectual stimulation, personal growth, social engagement and enrichment.  Read more

What do we do?

We offer short courses for one to four weeks. Sessions are usually two hours long. Travel programs are also a part of our offerings. There are no tests and no required homework, just exploring lots of interesting topics.

In the near future we will offer courses in different formats -- noon hour discussions, several sessions in one week, and more evening courses. OLLI courses and activities are developed and produced by its members with the support of the staff of WMUx.

We need your ideas for course topics and instructors. Let us know your suggestions. Call the OLLI office at (269) 387-4157 or send an email. The curriculum committee will review all suggestions.

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