Western Michigan University's Department of Physical Therapy is accepting applications for the Doctor of Physical Therapy program, which welcomed its inaugural cohort in summer 2019. This program allows you to earn your DPT in only 30 months. While the rigorous curriculum presents challenges to students and faculty, we know that our graduates will be highly-qualified practitioners, prepared to meet the challenges of today's PT landscape.
What is a PT?
Physical therapists diagnose and treat people of all ages who have injuries, medical problems or other health-related conditions that limit their ability to function and move properly in their daily lives. Physical therapists develop recovery plans and provide treatment and therapy to improve movement and manage pain.
The Doctor of Physical Therapy program at Western Michigan University is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085; telephone: 703-706-3245; email: accreditation@apta.org; website: http://www.capteonline.org. If needing to contact the program/institution directly, please call (269) 387-7352 or email pt-info@wmich.edu.
The Doctor of Physical Therapy degree at WMU satisfies educational prerequisites for professional licensure as a physical therapist in all 50 US states, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia and the US Virgin Islands.

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