Course Enrollment Policy

Policy number 03-05
Responsible office Provost and Academic Affairs
Enforcement official
Enforcement official
Vice Provost for Budget and Personnel
Classification Board of Trustees-delegated Policy
Category Academic Affairs

Statement of policy

This policy articulates that in order for a course to avoid cancellation, undergraduate courses must have a minimum of 20 students at census while graduate courses must have a minimum of 10 students. Exceptions must be approved by the dean of the college.

Summary of contents/major changes

During the academic year (September-April) undergraduate courses (non-laboratory or recitation) will have as a minimum 20 students enrolled as of the census date. Graduate courses (5000-level and above) will have as a minimum 10 students enrolled as of the census date. Exceptions to these minima must be requested by the unit to the dean of the college, and be approved by the dean. The required course minima is not applicable to EUP courses. The Office of Academic Affairs will audit each college's course offerings with enrollment below the minima. 

Effective date of current version April 19, 2011
Proposed date of next review August 1, 2019
Certified by

J. Dunn, President, Dr. Tim Greene