June 2020 Good News

Here’s some good news. I’ve known that my work was going to be featured in a traveling group exhibition for some time….but I’ve been unsure whether the first venue would host the exhibition in August. It’s a go…so here’s the information. THE GARDEN Exhibition - August 8 - October 10, 2020; The Museum at Piedmont Arts in Martinsville, VA. This is the first venue in a traveling group exhibition that includes my work and the work of Jorge Benitez, Ruth Bolduan, Sally Bowring, Reni Gower, Chris Gregson, Melissa Potter, and Javier Tapia. This is a curated exhibition that comes with a beautiful catalog, and process displays by each artist. The catalog essays are compelling and thoughtful.
“The Garden” is about meditation and the work that makes contemplative spaces. This is particularly relevant during the pandemic. The artists in this show work differently - weave, paint, cut paper - but all have remarkable authenticity in their work. I’m honored to be in this company.Because we all like to “see” things. I’m including  links to the other artists in the exhibition. When I get my hands on a physical copy, I’ll forward more to you.

Posted By: Cat Crotchett