Updates in Academic Affairs: August 11, 2015
Academic Program Review recommendations to be available before fall semester
Dear Colleagues:
Over the past three months, I have read more than 8,000 pages of documentation related to the Academic Program Review. In the next few weeks, I will complete my review of the more than 480 majors, minors, graduate, certificate, service and general education programs that comprise our academic portfolio. The review process provided robust information to assist in our ongoing assessment and strategic planning efforts.
As part of the review process, I reached out to deans and department chairs/directors for additional clarification when needed. In some cases, we have also discussed my analysis of the feedback and data that emerged during the review process. Through our conversations, the associate provosts and deans are assisting with a compiled summary of planning recommendations that pertain to all of Academic Affairs. Reviews of individual programs include specific planning recommendations from both the dean and provost levels. In some cases, these recommendations call for additional planning and implementation during the 2015-16 academic year.
I appreciate the due diligence provided by faculty, staff and administrators throughout this rigorous planning process. As noted, I anticipate the planning recommendations will lead to open dialogue about how to integrate effective assessment with campuswide continuous improvement as we move into our next cycle of strategic planning in Academic Affairs.
The complete listing of planning recommendations will be available to the University community before the start of the fall semester.
Tim Greene
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs