Special Education and Literacy Studies Courses

SPED 5850 - Advanced Theory and Practice in Learning Disabilities
SPED 5980 - Readings in Special Education
SPED 5990 - Topics in Special Education
SPED 6150 - Transition-Focused Education and Services for Individuals with Disabilities
SPED 6200 - Advanced Assessment in Schools
SPED 6210 - Curriculum Development for Learners with Disabilities
SPED 6300 - Clinical Practice in Special Education
SPED 6360 - Topical Seminar in Special Education
SPED 6370 - Applications of Research in Special Education
SPED 6380 - Applications of Behavior Analysis in Special Education
SPED 5000 - Topical Issues in Educating Learners with Disabilities
SPED 5040 - Teaching Practicum in Special Education
SPED 5300 - Introduction to Special Education
SPED 5330 - Introduction to Assessment and Data-Based Decision Making in Special Education
SPED 5340 - Evidence Based Interventions I: Foundations of Reading, Written Language and Content Areas
SPED 5400 - Introduction to Cognitive Impairments
SPED 5450 - Education of Learners with Mild and Moderate Cognitive Impairments
SPED 5700 - Introduction to Emotional Impairments
SPED 5750 - Education of Learners with Emotional Impairments
SPED 5800 - Introduction to Learning Disabilities
SPED 6400 - Organization and Administration of Services for Learners with Disabilities
SPED 6410 - Supervision of Special Education Programs and Services
SPED 6430 - Legal Issues in Special Education
SPED 6500 - Seminar on Special Education in Higher Education
SPED 6560 - Seminar: Current Issues in Special Education
SPED 6610 - Collaboration and Consultation in Special Education
SPED 6740 - Intern Teaching in Special Education
SPED 6750 - Internship in College Teaching
SPED 7000 - Master’s Thesis
SPED 7100 - Independent Research
SPED 7120 - Professional Field Experience
SPED 7300 - Doctoral Dissertation
SPED 6390 - Evidence-Based Instructional Practices: Autism
SPED 6112 - Universal Design for Learning
SPED 6113 - Culturally-Responsive Practices in Special Education
SPED 6290 - Secondary ED Inclusive Practices
SPED 6381 - School-Wide Positive Behavior Support
SPED 6655 - Coaching Classroom Management
SPED 7115 - Capstone in Special Education
SPED 6382 - Intensive Interventions for Challenging Behaviors
SPED 5725 - Preventing Problem Behavior through Effective Teaching
SPED 5070 - Seminar in Special Education: Focus on Emotional Impairments
SPED 5080 - Seminar in Special Education: Focus on Learning Disabilities
SPED 6040 - Field Experience in Special Education II
SPED 6356 - Evidence Based Instruction II: 6-12 LA, Ma, Sc, SS
SPED 6710 - Field Experience in Emotional Impairments K-5
SPED 6711 - Field Experience in Emotional Impairments 6-12
SPED 6815 - Field Experience in Strategic Interventions with High Incidence Learners-LD (Grades 6-12)

LS 3050K-12 Content Area Literacy

LS 3780 Literacy II: Literacy/Language Arts across Disciplines

LS 5020 - Curriculum Workshop

LS 5160 - Professional Symposium in Reading
LS 5260 - Teaching Reading with Adolescent Literature
LS 5980 - Selected Readings in Education
LS 6100 - Theory and Research in Reading and Literacy Instruction
LS 6170 - Reading in the Content Areas
LS 6180 - Literacy Acquisition and Reading Instruction
LS 6200 - Educational Therapy in Reading
LS 6240 - Reading Assessment and Effective Instruction
LS 6300 - Teaching Reading in a Diverse Society
LS 6320 - Literacy Coaching
LS 6330 - Early Childhood Literacy
LS 6340 - Adolescent Literacy
LS 6350 - Advanced Literacy Coaching
LS 6360 - Advanced Clinical Studies in Reading
LS 6400 - Clinical Practice for Reading Specialists
LS 6420 - Action Research Seminar
LS 6870 - Strategic Learning through Texts for High School Teachers
LS 6970 - Special Topics in Reading
LS 7000 - Master’s Thesis
LS 7100 - Independent Research
LS 7120 - Professional Field Experience
LS 5100 - Diversity in Language, Literacy, and Learning
LS 5220 - Teaching Reading with Children’s Literature