All employees are encouraged to participate in the Western Wellness program. In order to be eligible for the wellness incentive, employees must complete an annual health risk assessment, biometric screening, and a health coaching session. The wellness incentive is a reduction in your health plan contributions each pay period throughout the calendar year. The current wellness incentive is $240 per calendar year and may be pro-rated quarterly depending on when you complete the program requirements. If you complete the wellness program requirements by the specified date each year, you will receive the wellness incentive during the following calendar year. In order to maintain wellness program participation, you must complete the program requirements every calendar year. You can use the expandable menus below for new and returning participants to determine the steps that you need to take to become eligible for the incentive.
Assessments can be completed with Holtyn Wellness or your primary care provider. If you choose to complete your assessment with your medical care provider, you must print the Medical Provider Form and have it filled out and signed by your provider. Completed forms should be mailed or e-mailed to the addresses listed on the form and must be received by December 15, 2023.