50th Anniversary Celebration

The Specialty Program in Alcohol and Drug Abuse at Western Michigan University is the first of its kind in Michigan and the first university-based training clinic in Michigan to address substance use disorders. In fall 2023, we celebrate our 50th anniversary.

Friday, October 13
5:30 to 8 p.m. 

CHHS Building Atrium

The Specialty Program in Alcohol and Drug Abuse education assists individuals who wish to pursue credentials in the field through undergraduate and graduate studies.

Help us raise $100,000

An anonymous donor has pledged $50,000 to match your donations, dollar for dollar.

Double your impact! If you donate $1000, we get $2000. If you donate $3500, we get $7000. Help us reach our $100,000 goal by maximizing this matching pledge. Donate today!

  • SPADA students in the atrium
  • Dr. Simpson and students at Bronco Bash
  • Students in class


Keynote speaker

Brad Finegood, MA, LMHC, is a strategic advisor for public health on behavioral health matters. He has served as a co-chair of the King County Heroin and Prescription Opiate Task Force and has worked in the behavioral health field for 25 years in both substance use disorder and mental health direct service and administration.

In 2022, King County presented Finegold with the Recovery Champion Award, which recognizes a person or organization that has demonstrated hard work and passion in helping those with substance use disorders.

Read more here: Council honors Brad Finegood with 2022 Recovery Champion Award.

Scholarship recipient

Cat Baeza (holding the certificate above) is seeking a Clinical Addiction Certificate in the Specialty Program in Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Cat is the first recipient of the new Patton Scholarship. Congratulations, Cat!

  • black and white clip from article
  • students chatting in black and white

Photos from the atrium

Photos from upstairs