Geography Alumni Survey

If you graduated from the geography program at Western Michigan University, please complete this survey to help us improve the educational experience in geography.

Please include: 1. Your position title 2. Does your job make use of the skills you acquired while completing your program in geography? 3. Are there internship opportunities at your place of employment? 4. If you are not currently employed, are you a student, looking for employment, unemployed, retired, military, etc.
If you pursued post-graduate education please answer: 1. Where did you attend? 2. When did you graduate? 3. What degree did you earn? 4. Did your program in geography prepare you adequately for your job or post-graduate education?
If you participated, please answer: 1. Did you participate in an internship, study abroad or independent project? 2. Where was your internship or study abroad experience? 3. How useful do you feel this experience was? 4. Would you recommend this experience to others?