Dine 4 Justice
Join the Lewis Walker Institute for our annual Dine 4 Justice fundraiser on Sunday, April 7, 2024, at Heritage Hall, WMU, Kalamazoo. The event will be from 2-5 pm.
Dine 4 Justice is a fundraising event to benefit the Lewis Walker Institute Youth Juvenile Justice Fellows program. This year, we welcome Chad Houser, renowned chef and founder of Cafe Momentum, along with four Momentum Ambassadors, to this year’s event. You will have an opportunity to mix and mingle with our guests and current LWI Youth Juvenile Justice Fellows. During the event, you will learn more about a state-of-the-art diversion program model that our Fellows believe could benefit justice impacted youth across Kalamazoo County. It will be an afternoon that you won’t soon forget!
Don't miss out on this important event! Mark your calendars for Sunday, April 7, 2024. RSVP by April 5th, 2024; seats are limited, so secure your spot as soon as possible. www.wmualumni.org/dine4justice