Benefits Enrollment Information—Research Staff: Research Associate, Senior Research Associate and Principal Research Associate

An overview of Western Michigan University benefit plans and enrollment forms is provided at new employee orientation. All employees eligible for benefits must enroll in benefit plans within their first 31 days of employment or new benefits eligibility..

Benefits and Rates Summary

The Benefits and Rates Summary is an overview of your insurance benefits, associated rates, and other benefits including retirement plans, sick leave, leaves of absence, and holidays.

Health Care Benefits

WMU offers health care benefits that include medical, dental, vision and prescription drug coverage. The Benefits Guide is a concise guide to your health plan options, Western Wellness, flexible spending accounts and benefits contacts. For more information, visit Health Care Benefits.

2025 Benefits Guide

Retirement and Tax-Deferred Savings Plans

You are eligible to receive a University contribution to a retirement plan and to make contributions via payroll deduction to the tax-deferred savings plan.  The plans are administered by TIAA.  For detailed information about the retirement plans, visit Retirement and Tax-Deferred Savings Plans. There are two steps to setting up your accounts:  going online at TIAA to choose investments and designate beneficiaries, plus submitting the Salary Reduction Agreement to Human Resources if you choose to contribute.  Follow the steps in this Retirement Plan Guide to set up your accounts.

Benefit Enrollment Forms

All enrollment forms are provided at new employee orientation. You may find the following forms by visiting: Forms: Benefit Enrollment and Changes

  • PPO Health insurance enrollment and change form
  • HMO Health insurance enrollment and change form
  • Life insurance enrollment form (employee)
  • Life insurance enrollment form (dependent)
  • Long-term disability insurance enrollment form
  • BASIC Flexible Spending Account enrollment guide and form
  • Salary Reduction Agreement form

New employees must also complete, sign and return the following:

Additional Resources

All benefit forms are provided at new employee orientation and are available above for your convenience.  More information is also below.


If you have questions about your benefits coverage after you attend new employee orientation or if you need assistance completing your benefits enrollment forms, please contact Human Resources.

If you are unable to print enrollment forms, you may pick up a copy of the form(s) in Human Resources.

The information outlined above is subject to legal documents that pertain to each benefit plan and policies, procedures, contracts, or collective bargaining agreements, which are controlling as to the availability and amount of benefits. This website is not a legal document.