Ann Veeck
Haworth College of Business
Western Michigan University
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5430 USA

- Ph.D., Marketing, Louisiana State University
- M.M.R., Marketing Research, University of Georgia
Ann Veeck is a professor of marketing at Western Michigan University’s Haworth College of Business.
She received her Ph.D. in business, with a major in marketing and a minor in statistics, from Louisiana State University and her Master of Marketing Research degree from the University of Georgia. The focus of her research is family and food consumption patterns, with an emphasis on China. Her research has been published in numerous journals and edited volumes. She is also co-author of the popular text, Marketing Research, 9e (Burns and Veeck, Pearson, 2020). She has received the top Haworth College of Business awards in both teaching and research, as well as an international award for innovative teaching from the Marketing Management Association. In 2022, Dr. Veeck was the recipient of WMU’s Distinguished Teaching Award.