Three students sitting at the same table studying together. One student in the backround looking at a cell phone.

The Martin Luther King Jr. Student Scholars Academy is a four-tier comprehensive program designed to offer academic, social, and professional development support and services to assist program participants from the first year through graduation. Each tier is designed to address particular developmental milestones associated with that phase of each student's matriculation.

The MLK Academy's mission is to engage students in discovery and learning experiences to facilitate academic success, engagement, and participation in a multicultural world.

Though programming and engagement with professional staff and academy peer leaders, MLK scholars are introduced to an environment that promotes strong academic achievement and leadership opportunities as well as encourages participation in events that advance diversity on and off campus.

For all program levels, the academy provides academic course review, academic coaching, free tutoring, campus life and socialization, as well as diverse, cultural, and wellness education programs; each tier is designed to address particular development milestones associated with that phase of the student’s matriculation. This support is offered to students from first year through graduation.

MLK scholars are recipients of the MLK G.O.L.D. Scholarship. The MLK Academy is housed in Multicultural Affairs for Students.

Safety Procedures

Please report any suspected or alleged instances of wrongdoing or misconduct or concerns about inappropriate service provisions and practices by any program staff to the director of Multicultural Affairs for Students using the Student Complaint Form. In case of a medical emergency or an immediate threat to your personal safety, call 911. For non-emergencies, call WMU's Department of Public Safety at (269) 387-5555.

For detailed policies and procedures on what to do in case emergency occurs while you are on campus, refer to WMU emergency procedures

The WMU Hotline at (269) 387-1001 and the University's home page are WMU's official sources for information on WMU closings due to weather or campus emergencies.

WMU Nondiscrimination Statement

Western Michigan University prohibits discrimination or harassment that violates the law or that limits opportunities of admission, employment, or education based on the protected classes of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, protected disability, protected veteran status, genetic information, height, weight, or marital status. Retaliation against any person or group who makes a good faith complaint or participates in a grievance, investigation or related processes is prohibited by law and policy. (View the full policy on the Non-Discrimination Policy page.)