Updates in Academic Affairs: May 18, 2015
Inside Updates: Academic Program Review and Planning moves into key phase and a year in review.
Based on APR&P findings, program recommendations expected this summer
The 2014-15 Academic Program Review and Planning process has progressed to the next step, as the Deans' Planning Reports are now posted for review from the APR&P worksite available at the following web address:
To view the data, users will need to login using their Bronco NetID and password. Find the most recent data from the deans in the Completed Dean Reports folder.
The Deans' Planning Reports are the first step in Phase II of the APR&P process. The deans were given the Observation Team Reports and, of course, the individual program self-study reports and chair summary comments on which to base their decisions. The deans' reports now go to Provost Tim Greene for consideration. The provost expects to complete his review of all materials by July 10, 2015.
In July, the provost will render his decisions on academic programs that do not require Faculty Senate consideration. During this period, he also will submit his recommendations for program closure or mergers to the Faculty Senate Executive Board. The Faculty Senate Executive Board will then submit its observations to the provost by Aug. 1. Academic programs being considered for closure or merger will be notified of final report findings by Sept. 1. The Faculty Senate’s recommendations will be forwarded to the provost for consideration, and then to the Board of Trustees for approval to implement.
Faculty members are encouraged to review the reports and discuss results with academic unit chairs/directors and deans for planning purposes.
There will be no appeal process during the various stages of review. However, after the provost’s recommendation and upon request by a department chair or school director, dean or associate provost, a meeting between the provost, dean, department chair or school director and faculty members of the department will be convened to discuss any errors in information that may be relevant regarding the planning recommendation.
Academic year in review: points of pride abound
Dear Colleagues:
As the academic year comes to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your work on behalf of our students, our institution and our community.
Our collective commitment to moving WMU forward as a leader in higher education is reflected in your many accomplishments during the 2014-15 academic year.
Year over year, from fall 2013 to fall 2014, we saw our freshman-to-sophomore retention rate for first-time-in-any-college students—FTIACs—increase to 77.5 percent. Our goal is to achieve an 80 percent fall-to-fall retention rate for our freshman-to-sophomore students before 2020.
From fall 2014 to spring 2015, our FTIAC retention was 93 percent, the highest it has been since 1998. In addition, our unofficial summer I session enrollment is 8,376, a 1.63 percent increase over our enrollment last year. Our enrollment and retention trends continue to improve due to your continued investment in our students.
Our associate provosts are leading strategic enrollment management planning initiatives for our campus and will have much more information to share with the campus community throughout the summer as we move through Orientation and prepare for the 2015-16 academic year.
We also would like to, once again, acknowledge the following WMU faculty and staff members who were recognized for excellence in their fields of expertise and service at the 2014 Academic Convocation:
We look forward to the 2015 Academic Convocation and State of the University Address on Friday, Oct. 2, 2015, when we will honor and recognize additional faculty and staff colleagues for their continued excellence and commitment to our campus community. I hope you will be able to join us at 2 p.m. in the Dalton Center Recital Hall for our annual celebration and for the president's charge for the 2015-16 academic year.
This is just a brief snapshot of the important accomplishments within academic affairs. Although I am not able to list or acknowledge every department, unit and individual by name, please know how grateful I am to you all for your work to advance our mission.
We plan to provide several Updates in Academic Affairs newsletters during the summer months to keep the campus community informed of the progress on several continuing projects, including Academic Program Review and Planning. Please accept my best wishes to you for a safe and productive summer.