Does My Mask Slow the Spread of COVID-19?

Posted by Emily Klein on

What Was Life Before Masks?

During the Coronavirus pandemic, we recall what life was like before. Last year at this time, who would have thought that we would be wearing face masks, using an entire bottle of hand sanitizer, and worrying about who we were seeing each day? We would have looked at people weirdly who wore a surgical grade face masks around public places, and now, look where we are. We would never think about things like, how each face mask works? How do we properly wear one? Where can we buy these masks? These are a few questions that I think all of us thought about at one time since this pandemic hit earlier this year in February 2020.

Face Mask History

Before the COVID-19 pandemic we would rarely see someone in the US wearing a face mask, unless they were in hospital with an illness. Now, since the pandemic, almost every American is wearing a mask to help keep themselves, and others safe. It is every citizens duty to help protect each other from this virus. Social wellness is very important this day in age. By doing our part and wearing a face mask, we are helping to slow the spread. According to the CDC (2020) we know that face masks are slowing the spread and it benefits our physical health. With the combining of social distancing, use of face masks, and good hand hygiene we are helping our neighbors out by doing our part to slow the spread.

Masks, Masks, and More Masks

There are many masks to choose from to protect yourself as well as others. Here are just a few that people are wearing:

Surgical masks: Medical grade masks, loose fitting, protects the person’s nose and mouth and that will protect them from germs outside themselves. Not as good as N95 masks.

N95 Masks: A type of respirator, filters out both large and small particles when the person inhales. N95 has its name from its design to block 95% of small particles. Unfiltered air is released when the person exhales.

Cloth masks: Most common for citizens who want a reusable mask and more comfortable than a disposable mask. Most likely to reduce the spread of COVID-19 when it is widely used and worn by people in public settings.

Mask Mandate vs. No Mask Mandate

Michigan is one of many states that the Governor has issued a statewide mandate on the use of face masks. As of October 23, the total number of cases in Michigan is 175K with 7,522 deaths (, 2020). Since July, there have been roughly 63,870 confirmed positive cases, being that Governor Whitmer put this mandate in place on July 17. Other states are not having their citizens wear face masks when frequenting businesses or public gatherings. For example, Florida is one of those states that recommends the use of face masks but does not require Floridians to mask up when frequenting businesses and other public areas. Their total number of cases is 726K with 15,067 total deaths. As a citizen of Michigan our governor has instilled Mask Up, Michigan, which is an initiative for all Michiganders to wear a face covering while visiting large areas where we are prone to seeing people. Whether we feel sick or not, we may be asymptomatic and carrying this virus. With the use of face masks and implementing a plan to slow this spread, the large use of face masks will help in slowing the spread of COVID-19.

After Masks, Will We Be Prone to Sickness?

No, wearing a mask will not harm our health. According to this Vanderbilt University website, even wearing any form of a face mask for a prolonged period of time hasn’t been shown that you will get sick as well as no shown evidence of carbon dioxide toxicity or lack of adequate oxygen in healthy people.


Face masks have been seen to slow the spread of COVID-19. Remember, masks are not the only measure to stop it. To truly slow the spread, per the CDC (2020) you must also:

  • Wash your hands!
  • Social distance at least 6 ft. from others!
  • Wear your mask!

Social wellness is very important this day in age. By doing our part and wearing a face mask, we are helping to slow the spread. According to the CDC (2020) we know that face masks are slowing the spread and it benefits our physical health. It is pivotal for us to wear face masks and do our part as citizens and to benefit our social wellness. I know we all do not enjoy wearing a face mask, but it necessary and we need to help others. With the combining of social distancing, use of face masks, and good hand hygiene, we are helping our neighbors out by doing our part to slow the spread. Be socially responsible. Be a good neighbor.


Clinic Staff, M. (2020, August 20). Can face masks protect against the coronavirus?

Markowitz, A. (2020, October 22). Does your state have a mask mandate due to coronavirus?

Vanderbilt University Medical Center (2020, July 06). Coronavirus (COVID-19) information for employees and patients.

CDC. (n.d.). Coronavirus (COVID-19) frequently asked questions.

Mask Up, Michigan. (n.d.).,9753,7-406-100997_100998---,00.html