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How COVID-19 Affected College Student's Education and Well-Being

Posted by Tara Kurichh on
November 11, 2022

As we are all aware of now, COVID-19 was a huge setback from daily life. Think about what we were used to - from our jobs, food supply, places to go, etc. Think about how our schools and higher education campuses all closed. As a college student, with everything going online, it was very difficult to navigate some tools our professors had us use, including mandatory Zoom calls that came to deliver the class, along with the endless online homework assignments.

Some students could not adapt easily to this major change. You will find a great quote from the Best Colleges Website “Students are more likely to have decrease in attention during class to report COVID-19-related education issues particularly when it comes to motivation and consistency” (Best Colleges Writers, 2022).



COVID-19 has been so many things to us. One thing it has affected- and maybe the most- was our minds. Think about how we study, think, behave, etc. Something to remember today is you are not alone. Every single student has gone through this, and we are all here together to help.

Many students have thought about dropping out; leaving everything behind simply because schoolwork is getting too difficult. “Eighty percent of public schools reported “stunted behaviors and socioemotional development” in their students because of the COVID-19 pandemic with a “56% increase in lack of school work and 49% in early dropouts”(De Leon, 2022). This has also impacted the Zoom factor. Watching a screen all day can be very tiring. We can get easily get distracted. Not having the instructor present in class can be a huge setback for some students. A great quote from Aliana Moore, “Zoom for education can limit the personal connections that can be created in a classroom. Zoom for education can limit class participation and activity because of the restriction virtual learning creates. As well as creating a disadvantage to families and homes that may not have computers or internet at all” (Moore, 2022).



Eat Healthy

  • Iced Coffee is NOT a meal. Have something nutritious and fueling to get you through the day.

Go for a walk, run, or skip

  • Utilize your campus recreation center and other activities.
  • Go for a walk whether on campus or not.

Listen to music

  • Music help everyone with stress and anxiety; make a fun, and calming playlist on Spotify or Apple music.


  • Anytime I am stressed or anxious for school, I have learned that cleaning helps ease my stress when my area is properly cleaned and organized.

Make sure you have an organized calendar

  • I have learned that making a Google calendar that you can have easy access to use on your phone, laptop, iPad, etc.

Watch TV or funny videos

  • Personally, when I have something that I am stressed about, watching something funny makes we forget what I am stressed about, and eases my nerves.



While working out, I usually listen to my favorite music. I make a special playlist to help me run or walk. I think this strategy can help other students when working out as well.

Anytime I am the gym, doing cardio helps me with blood flow and mobility. Whether it be walking, running, skipping, hopping, always try to move your body the best way you can. Many of these fun little exercises are found on YouTube or TikTok videos. Here is a link to one of my favorite YouTube for yoga exercises that covers full body stretches. There is also a great TikTok video that has helpful tips for lower abdomen workouts. Technology has changed the way we observe the world using a new perspective and making things fun to access. Take advantage of it.


Another great form of relieving stress that is one of my favorites is meditation. Utilize the student recreational centers (if applicable) at your university. If money is an issue, there are always great inspirational YouTube videos to watch. You can do increments at home.

With school being so overwhelming at times, it is healthy to take a deep breath and take a moment for yourself. A good mindset means a positive outlook on things. Keeping your mind healthy makes a huge impact. Having both your mind and body calm is a great way to get you motivated and ready to go each day.



Best Colleges. (2022, October 18) Over 9 in 10 colleges report mental health impacts. Best Colleges.

 Elizabeth, S. (2022) Top 10 stress management techniques for students. Verywell Mind.

Moore, A. (2022) What are the pros and cons of zoom for education? The Moneywise Teacher.

De Leon, J. (July, 2022). 7 things we learned about COVID’s impact

on education from survey of 800 schools. Best Colleges.