Staying Stress-free During COVID-19 in the Kitchen

Woman bakes muffins to de-stress  Image Source: Food & Beverage Insider (2020)
Posted by Sofia VanSingel on
Woman bakes muffins to de-stress  Image Source: Food & Beverage Insider (2020)

Mental Health

The pandemic, as we all know, kept us locked up. We spent days and many weeks in the same space with family with little to no social interaction. COVID-19 affected our mental health by being in lock down for so long. In the time span of one year, 2019-2020 thereports of depression increased (44%) (Hayward, 2021). As cases started to rise the time spent stuck in your house grew. There wasn't much any of us could do without risking catching COVID-19. In the dark of it all, baking can bring light.


Outcomes From the Kitchen 

There are so many positives that come from making fresh baked goods.  When you are in the kitchen you have the freedom to clear your head and even take out your anger. Pamela Honsberger, a family doctor explains that baking is a way to clear your head and de-stress (Kaiser Permanente, 2021). With the COVID-19 virus being so unknown, it can create a lot of stress that needs to be released somehow. Kneading dough is a productive way to de-stress. You can knead it as hard and as long as you want, and the outcome is delicious bread. The unknown from the pandemic comes with the feeling of loss of control. When you are baking you can add whatever you want, you have a way to be creative and get a sense of you control back. A study was done to show that if you do creative activities it can help with “positive psychological function”(Connor, 2016). As I was stuck in my house, I tired out a few trending recipes myself. Some of my favorites were banana bread, cookies and cream cookies, and no-bake cookies. While doing all of the baking I enjoyed my time and after I enjoyed the taste.  Evidence proves cooking can have an influence on higher self-esteem and quality of life (Farmer, Touchton-Leonard, & Ross, 2017). The smells of food can bring back memories that you can reminisce on. You can take the time to take out your grandma's old cookbook and find one of your favorite goodies. 

While me and my family were in quarantine, we all made our own pan of strawberry shortcake. My favorite dessert.


Ways You Can Have Fun in the Kitchen

  1. Create your own cookbook. Many websites offer a free way to print out your own cookbook.
  2. Try new foods you haven’t had before. Open your tastebuds to the unique flavors.
  3. Make food that you haven't ate in a while.
  4. Spend time learning from your parent's skills. My mom always shows me different snacks that were her favorite when she was my age. It is a great bonding experience.
  5. Get creative with different spices and mixtures.
  6. Find out what your favorites recipes are and, consider making a list every week of the top foods you made. This way you can look back and enjoy them again.
  7. Look through websites to find new recipes. There are hundreds different recipe sites; so the ability to find the perfect one is endless.

Bon appetite!

Print pictures to create a personalized cookbook



Conner, T. S., DeYoung, C. G., & Silvia, P. J. (2016). Everyday creative activity as a path to flourishing. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 13(2), 181-189.

Farmer, N., Touchton-Leonard, K., & Ross, A. (2017). Psychosocial Benefits of cooking interventions:a systematic review. National Library of Medicine, 45(2), 167-180. doi: 10.1177/1090198117736352

Hayward, E. (2021, April). Covid-19’s toll on mental health. Boston College.

Kaiser Permanente. (2021, November 12). 4 ways baking can help support your mental health. Kaiser Permanente thrive.

Reily, M., K. (2020, July 10). [Untitled illustration of a woman with muffins]. Food &

Beverage Insider.