Online Courses


Are you unable to make it to campus, but want to take some of the most interesting courses offered at Western Michigan University? No problem! Online courses are available and many of them satisfy general education requirements.

REL 1050: What is Religion Today?
REL 2000: Thinking About Religion
REL 2010: Buddhism
REL 2050: Christianity
REL 2065: Islam in America
REL 2100: Religions of the World
REL 2630: Asian Religions
REL 3145: New Religious Movements
REL 3180: Death, Dying, and Beyond
REL 3190: Religion and Health
REL 3360: Zen and Buddhist Meditation
REL 4980: Independent Study
REL 5011: Religion, Culture and Health: Cultures from the East
REL 5980: Readings in Religion

Online major

The Department of Comparative Religion now offers our outstanding major as a program that can be completed fully online. Students interested in completing the major online will be able to take all of the required courses online.  Please let the instructor know that you are an online major so your virtual participation can be arranged. Contact Thomas Mills, Undergraduate CAS Advisor, with questions.

Online minor

If you are seeking a useful minor, one that introduces you to religions and cultures from around the world, consider the fully available online minor in comparative religion. The requirements are the same as for the on-campus minor. Contact Thomas Mills, Undergraduate CAS Advisor, and start taking classes today.


WMU's Department of Comparative Religion has created a new online graduate certificate in spirituality, culture and health. Health and human services professionals throughout the United States will benefit from this unique new certificate created to address the needs of people who serve an increasingly diverse population.

The department also offers an online Master of Arts and graduate certificate in spirituality, culture and health. The curriculum promotes an advanced understanding of the impact of culture, spirituality and religious belief on patient/client and provider relationships in health and human services settings. The programs prepare students for work in the areas of inclusion and diversity; cultural competence education and training; elimination of health disparities; and spiritual care.

WMU Online

Online education
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