Duisterhof, Gordon of Kalamazoo, Michigan

1930 – 2017

Gordon Duisterhof is preceded in death by father Helmert, mother Cornelia, sister Margaret Anne and brother Bruce and wife and life-long partner, Merlyn Gordon's life was shaped by the events of the times and the cultural richness of Kalamazoo and the surrounding area.


Born 1931 in the depression, childhood was frequently absent his father, Helmert, who was away at CCC camps in northern Michigan and who finally served as a major in the army during WWII. Helmert gave the ultimate sacrifice for his new country on the peninsula of Bataan. At age 11 and the oldest child, Gordon became the 'man of the house' and took many responsibilities of a father.


He attended Delton High school, chummed around with the fella's, parlayed with young women, ran a paper route and was known as 'Dutch'. Most notably, he met his future wife and life-partner, Merlyn Mott of Delton.


Entering Western Michigan University in the ROTC program, he graduated from the school of Sales and Marketing. While at WMU, Gordon built a house for his mother on Christmas Card Lane. He recalls Merlyn shining the lights of the car while he finished laying the last blocks of the basement. He fulfilled his ROTC obligation to the Army serving for 2 years as a 2nd lieutenant in Tacoma Washington.


Merlyn and Gordon married and had three children who were raised in the second home Gordon built on Fineview in Cooper township. His first career job came as the Sales Manager for the Otsego paper Company known as Mac Sim Bar. Later, when his oldest children were in their early teens and the market for paper had dropped to unsustainable levels, Gordon started his own business in water treatment. In the beginning it was known as Duisterhof's Water Conditioning and later was renamed to Gordon Water Systems.


Gordon enjoyed sailing with his family on many Sunday afternoons in the regatta on Gull Lake. Later, he found some available property in South Haven and built a cottage. Gordon and Merlyn enjoyed guests in their home as frequently as possible, inviting people from all walks of life and from cultures from around the world. Many well-prepared meals were eaten with guests. Gordon's home-made pizza on Sunday nights was a regular event.


Gordon did many notable things over his lifetime. He built several homes. He built an in-ground pool where his family and neighbors could enjoy. He marched in the civil rights movement in Kalamazoo. He attempted to integrate his church (unsuccessfully). He cared for the children living next to his business, buying them bikes, providing clothes and inviting them into his home. Together with Merlyn, raised 3 children into productive, caring citizens and celebrated a 50th wedding anniversary. He started a business from scratch. He was a member of Kalamazoo Rotary, Kalamazoo Chamber of Commerce and was active in business associations. He coached basketball at the YMCA, attended and cheered at WMU basketball games for many years and was a lifetime active member at Third Christian Reformed Church.