Outdoor Reservation Request

There are a number of outdoor spaces on campus that Registered Student Organizations may reserve to set up information tables, program and promote their activities and organizations.

For outdoor spaces the Facilities Management support team provides custodial, landscape, and maintenance services for events taking place on the university campus. In addition to the form required by the Student Center, please note Facilities Management also has a mandatory facility event service request form to determine the required level of support and any associated costs.

If possible, reservations should be made five days prior to the event.

Will you be using amplified sound? (required)
Do you plan to serve food at this event? (required)
Please select a location (required)

Note, if selecting W Plaza (former Flagpoles) as your location selection: vehicle access to the W Plaza area for drop-off/pick-up must be performed prior to 7:30 a.m. Monday through Friday or after 9:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 4 p.m. on Friday. If the driveway gate is down access will not be permitted.

I have read and agree to the policies and procedures below on behalf of my organization (required)

Note: you can find the University’s “Event Space, Security and Posting” policy here: https://wmich.edu/policies/event-space


  • A limited number of tables are available to check out from the Bernhard Center for outdoor space reservations. Please make note on your request if you'd like to use a Bernhard Center table.
  • The use or sale of alcoholic beverages at any outdoor function is a violation of state law.
  • Requester will incur any costs related to clean up, trash removal, or any other costs required to put an area back to its original form.