8 Dimensions of Wellness Workshop


Wellbeing is multidimensional. There are 8 dimensions of wellness which are connected and affect our overall quality of life. The 8 Dimensions of Wellness include: Social, emotional, physical, environmental, financial, spiritual, occupational and intellectual. Join us to assess your current satisfaction in each of the dimensions.

Wednesday, Jan. 22

12–12:30 p.m.
Sindecuse Health Center, Rm. 3140
Facilitator: Martha Vanderheyden

Workshop registration deadline:

Friday, Jan. 17
(Registration is limited to 30)



Take the 8 Dimensions of Wellness Challenge
Monday, Jan. 27 to Sunday, Feb. 9. 

  • This challenge is optional. 
  • An accessible tracking form is available for the 8 Dimensions of Wellness Challenge. 
  • Submit final points by 5 p.m., Monday, Feb. 10 to be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift card. 

8 Dimensions of Wellness Tracking Form



Katie Alkema
@email(269) 290-5167