Bryce Brattina, B.B.A.'06

B.B.A.'06, I'm Managing

After graduation, Bryce Brattina wanted to put his degree in management to immediate use, so he sought out a position as a management trainee to help build his resume and his skill set. He joined Enterprise Rent-a-Car where he was successful and soon ended up moving on to another company.

Unfortunately, Brattina was laid off from his next position due to Michigan’s economic challenges. Though going through the layoff was one of most difficult things that Brattina and his family have gone through, he knew he could succeed in finding a new position in management, “I have always been very positive, so when it came down to it I wasn’t planning on leaving the state for a job; I knew that I could find something in Michigan,” he says.  Brattina is now a store manager with the Kroger Company and enjoying his position and the company.

What helped Brattina land his new job? In addition to being a naturally positive person, he had a solid foundation in management from his courses in the Haworth College of Business.  “It is important to know how to effectively manage the people working under you. The MGT 301/401 courses were an excellent preparation for anyone pursuing a management position,” Brattina notes. Today, Brattina looks back on his days as a student with fondness and shakes his head, “You know how when you are a student, you sit in class and wonder how much of this information am I going to use in the ‘real world?’  How much will apply?”

After being in the “real world” for awhile, Brattina chuckles and states, “It all applies.”