Formal Reports

Formal Report Development

Title Page

  • Design it but make it look professional (fonts, colors, appropriate artwork.)
  • Title of report (straightforward and informative; include either the problem or the recommendation).
  • Whom the report is prepared for (individual’s name, job title, name of organization and location).
  • Whom it is prepared by (each team member’s name and then signed next to it; organization and location).
  • Release (due) date.

Letter of Transmittal

  • Addressed to specific person within organization identified.
  • Transmit the report, summarize conclusions/recommendations; point out areas of interest; give thanks for the opportunity.

Table of Contents

  • Format according to headings; include dot leaders and page numbers (Microsoft Word: insert, references, index and tables).

List of Illustrations

  • Tables and figures; can be at the bottom of the table of contents.

Executive Summary

  • Tell what the document is about through a logical skeleton of the report.
  • Summarize the problem/background and recommendation of the report and reasons for recommendations.
  • Direct, clear and concise (edit, edit, edit).
  • Formal language (as is the report) – no contractions; limited, if any, second person; formal (but not stuffy) voice.


  • Statement of purpose and scope of report.
  • Identify limitations of the report (i.e., technology changes fast; research limited).
  • Explain assumptions (need, radius of travel [tracking/reporting devices], standard technology hardware, etc.).
  • Research methods.
  • Criteria considered (segment, practicality, implementation, positive impact).
  • Definitions (if necessary).


  • This is the body of the paper.
  • History of technology’s integration into business.
  • Current use in area of business/industry, advantages and limitations, efficacy and inefficacy.
  • Use, advantages and concerns regarding integration into specific sector.
  • Proposed functionality to specific business, with supporting reasons (rationale).
  • Integration plan (this needs more than identification but a process and cost analysis).

Closing Information

  • Summarize the conclusions from the body (no new information).
  • Make recommendations and provide rationale when needed/appropriate.
  • Forward movement.


  • Designed document, referenced in report (informational flow chart), process document (directions), cost spreadsheet, adoption announcement, designed report cover sheet (and design carry over).
  • Responses to surveys and/or interviews (if used).
  • Individual team members’ Member Total Contribution Evaluation form.

Putting it all together

Own it

  • Title page should include:
  1. Title of report
  2. For whom it is written
  3. By whom it is written
  4. Date submitted

 Package it

  • Effective page numbering (fore matter, lower case Roman numerals) 
  • Traditional numbering starting on the first page of the report, continued in the header
  • Running header on the second and subsequent report pages (name of addressee, date, page number)
  • Chunk out information logically and use headings and sub-headings to convey content and relation of ideas (title on first page, APA-level heading guide for section and sub-section headings)
  • Use document design techniques discussed at the beginning of the semester to allow for visual access to information and scannability, including tables, graphs, charts, and diagrams as appropriate (full block style).