Meet Brad Riebe

Brad Riebe is a senior studying marketing in the Haworth College of Business.

 When Brad Riebe was looking for a marketing internship to gain experience in his field of study, he knew he wanted it to involve an actual field—preferably one in a stadium with lots of fans. Riebe felt that his personality and his love of sports would make him a perfect fit for a sports marketing internship. In order to find the best opportunity, he started calling teams in the area to ask about available positions. As a result, the Kalamazoo Growlers Baseball Club offered him a marketing and promotions internship. During his time with the Growlers, Riebe was responsible for creating marketing plans for games and executing promotional events on the field.

Riebe is excited to apply the skills he learned during his internship and from his time in the Haworth College of Business to a career in marketing. The experiences he has had at Haworth have been “truly amazing.” There are seemingly endless ways to get involved no matter your field of study. For Riebe, the Sales and Business Marketing Association has been the most notable experience. Twice a month, the association hosts employer nights where multiple local employers speak about their companies. The Sales and Business Marketing Association and the employer nights have greatly helped Riebe to expand his professional network and develop his professionalism.

The Zhang Career Center has also played a part in helping Riebe develop his business skills.“The practice interviews and resume critiques have been so helpful to me. The staff really shows that they care about the students.”

Riebe stresses the importance of putting the time in and seeking help from the many resources available to students. He offers this advice on getting the most out of your college experience: take advantage of those resources, get involved and get to know your professors.

With the value of a degree from the Haworth College of Business and the support of his professors throughout his college career, Riebe is very confident he will find a job that is perfect for him in the marketing field.