Staying Involved and Curious in College and Beyond

Meet Dr. Thomas Rienzo

Finding a new purpose at the end of a career

Dr. Thomas Rienzo did not always plan to be a teacher. He received a Bachelor of Science in chemical engineering and worked for 25 years at a chemical company in sales and product development. After what many would consider a full career, his position was eliminated during corporate downsizing, and he was searching for something meaningful to do with his life. As he tells it, “I got a taste of teaching, got hooked, and pursued my Ph.D. as an old geezer.”

His path was not the most conventional, and he wouldn’t recommend himself as a career advisor, but he feels that his current job is the best job in the world. 

A passion for teaching and problem-solving

When asked about the most exciting moment in his career, his response shows how passionate he is about the opportunity to make a difference for his students. “Sharing my amazement in class at the possibilities that emerge from smart people interacting with increasingly sophisticated software tools is always exciting.” Rienzo uses this amazement to inspire his students to find relevance in the subject matter and to learn, whenever possible, to connect their academic experiences with their lives by working on problems they actually want to solve.

His teaching and research focuses on the “evolution of analytics, the disruption effects of software as it grows more powerful and easier to use, and the implications of this trend for both society and the academy.” In encouraging his students to learn through solving problems relevant to them, he hopes to help his students master software that is applicable to their professional and academic responsibilities, which will allow them to find more opportunities and greater rewards.


  • Ph.D., Western Michigan University

Courses taught

  • Introduction to Business Computing (CIS 1020)
  • Business Analytics II (CIS 3640)
  • Business Analytics (CIS 6400)

Campus involvement

  • Graduate Policy Committee
  • CIS advisor
  • Business Information Systems Scholarship Committee

On how to get the most from your college experience

Beyond the skills that can be learned in classes, Rienzo touts resources available to students at the Haworth College of Business. The college “helps students develop marketable skills, exposes them to expectations of professional culture, and gives them opportunities to connect with both academics and practicing professionals while they are in school. The University offers many resources, but students have to engage to benefit. Engagement is key to a satisfying university experience.”

The importance of paying attention and engaging in life

Outside of work, Rienzo enjoys spending time outdoors in his vegetable garden (if he can eat it, he’ll grow it), and riding his bike. He also continues to foster his curiosity with an interest in the mysteries of science, cosmology, and philosophy through reading and being involved with his church. By staying connected with his passions inside and outside of work, Rienzo follows his own advice. He encourages everyone to pay attention to life and to engage in it. He finds himself in his dream job after 25 years in a different industry and offers this piece of guidance, “You may not complete your dreams while in college, but you will certainly build foundations for the rest of your life. Be curious and aware.  Do not sleepwalk through college.”