What's trending?

Six students standing in a rowHaworth College of Business students speak about what’s on their minds. As you will see, experiential learning through internships, externships, mentorships and study abroad are central to how they are preparing for their professions. Diversity and inclusion, social responsibility, technology, communication, globalization and advocacy are major themes in what these six students anticipate the future holds.

Victor Perez, Senior

Program: Finance

Pictured is Victor Perez"Many financial firms are prioritizing diversity and inclusion by collaborating through different activities and being open to the factors that create a diverse workforce."

There are many lessons I will take into the workforce from my experience as a Greenleaf Trust Scholar, my Business Ethics and Sustainability course in India, and the Student Professional Readiness Series. The classroom has prepared me very well for life after college, and these outside experiences have helped develop leadership traits I will carry into my career. One of the biggest trends I have noticed in wealth management is the demand for socially responsible investment funds—SRIs. Clients want to see companies that embrace environmental sustainability and assist local communities. Investors are looking at these socially responsible companies for ways to give back to those in need and aid efforts for improving the environment. However, one caveat is that just because a company is socially responsible, it doesn’t mean it will provide a positive return on one’s portfolio. There should be due diligence involved in selecting SRIs.

Alexis Flicek, Senior

Program: Integrated Supply Management

Pictured is Alexis Flicek“Communication is at the center of all business opportunities, operations and decisions; good communication will take you far in your career.”

The biggest thing impacting supply chain right now is technology. Every day, there are new technologies being created to help get things done better, faster and cheaper. Keep an eye out especially for the increased use of artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies. These technologies will help to increase visibility in the supply chain, keep track of inventory, increase on-time delivery and speed up the processing of data. The computer information systems classes at the Haworth College of Business do an outstanding job of teaching the basic understanding of data, how database management systems work and how to manipulate data.

Raven Lackey, Senior

Program: Human Resource Management

Pictured is Raven Lackey“One of my most impactful experiences has been my internship with the human resources department at MGM Grand Casino and Hotel. It has given me the skill set, knowledge and confidence to market myself as a business professional.”

Being a Haworth College of Business student has given me the courage and persistence to be an advocate for myself and others. Diversity and inclusion, gender equality, an aging workforce and advances in technology will impact the HR profession in the coming years. The college has prepared me by exposing me to events, information and other tools that will allow me to be a leader and advocate for individuals as they encounter these issues. I also have the confidence to be an advocate for myself, and ensure I am being treated fairly in and out of the workforce.

Jake Herson, senior

Program: Computer Information Systems

Pictured is Jake Herson"My internship was a stepping stone toward my future career, and instrumental in landing a job at BP before graduating. I learned a lot about corporate structure, work-life balance and teamwork."

This past summer I was able to secure an internship with Comerica Bank at their IT campus in Auburn Hills. The subjects that came up during my interview were directly related to material I learned in class, and not just the computer information systems courses, but in other business courses too. I was also able to experience the IT Forum, which brought in representatives from companies and universities to speak on the future of IT. This was a great experience for me, uniquely provided by the Haworth College of Business. Dr. Han, Dr. Hazarika and Dr. Chen have all had a great impact on my learning. Dr. Chen taught me about a field of major interest, data mining. I found the hands-on way he taught really engaging. Technology can change so quickly; it can be hard to keep up, but my professors have taught me how to stay on top of it.

Samantha McGrath, Senior

Programs: Food and Consumer Package Goods Marketing, Leadership and Business Strategy

Pictured is Samantha McGrath“I have gained new perspectives in international business practices from study abroad, as well as a greater understanding of my place in the world as a global citizen.”

My personal interactions with students, professors and mentors have provided the most rewarding learning opportunities. Dr. Zondag has always been passionate about my achievements, advancing my success by opening many doors as a dedicated mentor. With his guidance, I was able to represent WMU in the National Grocers Association case competitions in Las Vegas and San Diego, the Fresh Careers mentorship program in New Orleans and the Food Marketing Conference in Grand Rapids. In addition, studying abroad in India, Guatemala, Portugal, Germany and Thailand built an international and multicultural skill set. I was also able to complete multiple internships and externships, which helped me obtain my dream job with E. & J. Gallo Winery.

Spencer Robertson, Senior

Programs: Accountancy, Finance

Pictured is Spencer Robertson“Whatever you want to accomplish or achieve, relationships play a vital role. Having the ability to connect with people from many different walks of life will help you achieve your goals much faster.”

The Student Professional Readiness Series has been instrumental in my college experience. Being able to figure out the skills employers are looking for during my first semester allowed me to gain valuable internship experience at public accounting firms. I plan to pursue my Certified Public Accountant certification, so my internships have played a huge role in my future career. Being in the accounting and finance profession, technology is definitely something that will affect the future. During my internships, I have seen how much technology is influencing and enhancing experiences in order to better serve clients. I feel we should all look at technology as a helping hand. It will cut down on redundant tasks and allow us to better serve clients and the greater society.