Job review (approval/decline) process

1. Once logged into your account, scroll down to the "JOB POSTINGS" section and click on the link "pending job postings exist"

2. Click on one of the job posting links to open the pending position

3. Things to look for: 
          a. Is the position paid?
                    i. If it does not say at the top of the posting, look through the posting to see if it is mentioned
                              1. If yes:
                                        a. Click on the "edit" tab, in the top right-had corner of the page
                                        b. Click on the "details" tab, at the bottom of the page.
                                        c. Once there, under the section "Salary Type," select "Paid"
                                        d. Then go back to the posting and click the green "Approved" option, then click the "Save" button
                              2. If not, post the following comment in the comments section: 
                                   "Please indicate whether the opportunity is paid, within the next five business days. 
                                   Thank you, [Your first name]"
                                          a. Then, click "Add Comment"
                                          b. If no response is received within the five day period, 
                                               decline the position

                    ii. If it is an UNPAID position/internship:
                              1. For a non-profit employer, go ahead and approve the position
                              2. For a for-profit employer, decline the position
                              3. If you are unsure, send the following message: 
                                   "Western Michigan University only posts paid positions for for-profit employers.
                                   If you would like to have a non-paid internship in BroncoJOBS, please share your nonprofit designation.
                                   If a reply is not received within five business days, your posting will be declined.
                                   Please see our guidelines at the following website:"
                                           a. Click "add comment"
                                           b. If no response is received within the five day period, decline the position. 

               b. Is it a local, part-time job? If it is, label it with the "local part-time job" in the "Labels" section.
                    This is located on the left-hand side of the job posting

               c. If it is an on-campus job, check for these things: 
                           i. Go to the job posting, click on "Edit" in the top, right-hand corner
                           ii. In the "Basics" tab, make sure:
                                       1. The "Division" is filled in, with the campus department that is posting the position
                                          (ex - Western Michigan University - Dining Services)
                                       2. The "On-Campus Student Employment" option is selected under "Job Type"
                                       3. If it is a work-study position, "Work Study Required" needs to be in the "Title" of the position
                            iii. In the "Requirements" tab, make sure:
                                       1. "Located in the US" is not checked
                                       2. In the "School years" section, "Alumni" should not be checked
                                       3. If it is a work-study position, make sure "Work Study Job?" box is checked
                                       4. Save any changes made

4. Make sure the job posting seems legitimate. If something seems off, check with a supervisor. 

Last updated: 4/6/16