Labeling contacts and employers

1. Before labeling contacts and/or employers*, look at all of the information in their access request. Visit their website and figure out what industry or industries the employer is serving or involved with. When making decisions about which label(s) to apply, be sure to consider all of the events that occur between Career and Student Employment Services and the Zhang Career Center. Apply any labels that would provide information about any events that would help those organizations better recruit from the whole university. 

*All labels are applied to contacts and users/staff members, with the exception of "third party recruiter." That label is applied both to all of the contact and users/staff member accounts as well as the overall employer account.

2. After you apply the label(s) to the individual accounts, send that person an email through WExchange with this message. Employers have the ability to add or remove labels, and this message makes them aware of that as well as provides them the list of labels available to them. Please be sure to send it through WExchange, as about half of our employers still do not receive notifications of messages sent through Handshake.

3. When you are applying labels, be sure they are in the same word format as they are in the list below. That way, when we create mailings and run reports, we capture all of the relevant contacts. (The numbers are what employers are responding with to a communication preferences message sent in June 2015; they should not be included in the name of the label in BroncoJOBS.)

For more detailed instructions with screenshots for accepting and labeling contacts, click here

If you have questions about labels, and before editing or creating any labels, please contact a member of the Systems Team before making any changes. 

1. Aviation Outlook Day
2. Business Career Day
3. Business Externship Program
4. Career Fair
5. Education Career Fair
6. Employer On Duty
7. Engineering Expo
8. Food Marketing Career Night
9. Government Mailing List
10. Graduate School Mailing List
11. Internship Panelist - Business
12. ISM Career Night
13. IT Career Day
14. Meet the Firms
15. Michigan Association of Broadcasters
16. Nonprofit Mailing List
17. Nurse Networking Day
18. On-Campus Contact
19. Paper and Allied Industries Mailing List
20. Part-time/Virtual  Job Fair
21. Sales Career Night
22. Science Fair
23. Social Work Fair
24. Third Party Recruiter*

*Apply the third party recruiter label to the employer account as well as the contact and user accounts.