The Migration Policy Institute, a nonpartisan organization founded in 2001, strives to enhance immigration and integration policies through thorough research, learning opportunities, and innovative ideas. MPI extends its impact to Europe through the Migration Policy Institute Europe, established in 2011. The Migration Policy Institute focuses on analyzing, developing, and evaluating migration and refugee policies on local, national, and international scales to address the complexities posed by significant migration in our interconnected world. MPI provides data on migration and refugee policies through its migration data hub.

The migration data hub streamlines the use of “INTERNATIONAL DATA”, “U.S. DATA”, and “MAPS”. The “MAPS” feature is used to visualize and analyze data such as; “immigrant and emigrant populations by country of origin and destinations”.

*The description above is a paraphrased version of the description on the Migration Policy Institute website.

Available Data File Formats

EXCEL, Tableau, PDF, and PowerPoint


This is an open data source for public use


How to retrieve data by example


Imagine you are tasked with tracking the annual number of U.S. Legal Permanent Residents (LPRs) from 1820 to 2022. Your goal is to identify trends, and any significant changes in annual immigration patterns over the selected period. Your analysis could inform policy discussions, and help predict future trends.


1. Visit the Migration Policy Institute website by clicking on https://www.migrationpolicy.org/


2. Move the mouse pointer to “RESEARCH & INITIATIVES” and click on “U.S. DATA”.


3. After clicking on “U.S. DATA”, this is how the new window would appear.


4. Scroll down the page and click on “U.S. Immigration Trends”. Note; select a subject matter that suits your intended analysis from “U.S. DATA” tab.


5. After clicking on “U.S. Immigration Trends”, click on “Immigration Over Time”


6. From “Immigration Over Time”, click on “Legal Immigration to the United States, 1820-2022”.


7. After clicking on “Legal Immigration to the United States, 1820-2022”, a chart will display the trend on U.S legal permanent residents over the selected period.


8. Scroll down the page to find other features of the chart such as the “download icon” (at the bottom right corner of the chart) that would allow you to download the chart in any format you want. Note; you can also download the data of the chart by clicking on “GET THE DATA”.


9. This is how the data will appear in Excel.


Be sure to consult with the source website on how to correctly cite your data. For this scenario, the citation would look like this:

Migration Policy Institute tabulations of U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Office of Immigration Statistics, Yearbook of Immigration Statistics (various years). Available at www.dhs.gov/files/statistics/publications/yearbook.shtm.