College of Fine Arts Recognition Awards

A committee of former winners will select the recipients of annual awards recognizing the significant contributions of faculty and staff to the mission of the College of Fine Arts. The awards will be presented in April each year at a college-wide event, at which time other significant accomplishments by all faculty and staff members will also be recognized. Nominations can be made at any time but must be submitted before March 20, 2023, for consideration for this year's ceremony. Submissions will be considered for up to three years.

Nominate now Past winners

Distinguished Professor Award

$1,000 in professional development funds

“Distinguished Professor of…” for one year

Purpose: To recognize exemplary creative research, teaching and service by a faculty member.

Eligible: full-time, tenured professors who have worked at WMU for ten years.

Criteria: Considerations for the distinguished professor award will be given to excellence in teaching, creative research, and service demonstrated during ten or more years of employment at WMU.

Excellence in Diversity Award

$750 in professional development funds

Purpose: To recognize support, education and advocacy for a diverse and inclusive community in the College of Fine Arts.

Eligible: Board-appointed faculty and staff


  1. Commits to cross-movement building in social justice and intersectional identities.  
  2. Actively challenges structures that promote discrimination and perpetuate privilege.  
  3. Supports the personal and professional success of all individuals in the College of Fine Arts.
  4. Builds collaborations and relationships with new organizations, communities and/or institutions.

Excellence in Teaching Award

$750 in professional development funds

Purpose: To recognize significant contribution by a faculty member in the area of teaching

Eligible: full-time faculty

Criteria: Considerations for the teaching award will be given to excellence in the area of teaching activities during the immediate past and current academic years, number and type of course preparations, curricula development (e.g., new majors/minors, study abroad programs), and classroom activities.

Excellence in Creative Research Award

$750 in professional development funds

Purpose: To recognize significant contribution by a faculty member in the area of creative research.

Eligible: full-time faculty

Criteria: Considerations for the creative research award will be given to excellence in the area of creative research activities during the immediate past and current academic years, including but not limited to the quality and quantity of peer-reviewed performances, exhibitions and publications; collaboration with CFA colleagues or other professional artists; activities at professional venues outside of Western; and other related activities that demonstrate scope and breadth of high quality work.

Excellence in Service Award

$500 in professional development funds

Purpose: To recognize significant contribution by a faculty member in the area of service

Eligible: full-time faculty and administrators

Criteria: Considerations for the service award will be given to excellence in the area of service activities during the immediate past and current academic years, including but not limited to services that support 1) student activities (e.g., study abroad activities, student group activities, student competitions); 2) the university, college, department; 3) professional organizations at local, state, regional, national, and international levels (e.g., editorships, reviewing, conference chairs, committee work); and 4) the community.

Excellence in Teaching (Part-time Instructor)

$500 in professional development funds

Purpose: To acknowledges significant contributions to the learning environment by part-time instructors.

Eligible: Part-time Instructors who have taught for at least one year in the CFA.

Criteria: Considerations for the part-time instructor excellence in teaching award are based on an accumulated record of achievement as an instructor as evidenced, for example, peer and supervisor feedback, and letters of support.

Outstanding Staff Award

$750 award

Purpose: To recognize the outstanding performance of a staff member.

Eligible: .69 FTE staff and above

Criteria: Considerations for the outstanding service award will be given to service activities during the immediate past and current academic years, including such things as a willingness to take on special projects, extraordinary job performance, exemplary volunteer or community service, or professional outreach, and will recognize the enthusiasm, innovation, forward-thinking ideas and willingness to promote teamwork by a staff member.

Nomination and Selection Process

A request for nominations will be sent out by the dean’s office to all CFA faculty and staff in early winter. Individuals may be nominated by any CFA faculty or staff member based on the award criteria. The nomination should include a brief (no more than one page) summary of the nominee’s activities/accomplishments during the most immediate past and current academic years. A committee will review the nominees and recommend award recipients. The committee shall be appointed by the dean and include at least one faculty member from each unit and one staff member. Should a member of the committee be nominated for the award, s/he will recuse him/herself from participation in the selection process and may be replaced by another faculty or staff member for the selection process as needed. The nominees’ and recipients’ names will be forwarded to the dean for award processing. Nominations should be submitted to the online form by March 15, 2024. The committee will forward their recommendations to the Dean by April 1, 2024. Awards will be presented at the annual end-of-the-year reception, and the names of recipients will be listed on a recognition board located in the Dalton Center Lobby.