
Walk-in hours for priority registration

Friday 3/14 1-4
Friday 3/21 8-11
Friday 3/28 8-10

Wednesdays 3/12, 3/19, 3/26 9-12 

M-F 8-3:30 from now until 3/25

Tuesday 3/18 and 3/25 from 9-12

The College of Fine Arts Advising is here to support your advising needs. Advisors are available Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with options for both in-person or virtual meetings.

Current students schedule their advising appointments through the Student Success Hub in goWMU.

Make an appointment

Prospective student appointments

If you need to meet with an advisor before you are admitted to WMU or don't have access to goWMU, contact the advisor for your discipline below. 

Frostic School of Art

Nick Gauthier, College of Fine Arts Director of Advising

2104 Richmond Center for Visual Arts
Phone: (269) 387-2440

Send an email

Prospective students: Schedule an appointment with Nick

School of Theatre and Dance

Thom Cooper, Academic Advisor

2003 Gilmore Theatre Complex
Phone: (269) 387-6171

Send an email

Prospective students: Schedule an appointment with Thom

Irving S. Gilmore School of Music

Destiny Wallace,  Academic Advisor

2132 Dalton Center
Phone: (269) 387-4672
Send an email

Prospective students: Schedule an appointment with Destiny

Dr. Cristina Fava, Graduate Coordinator
2131 Dalton Center
Phone: (269) 387-4672
Send an email

Richmond Institute for Design + Innovation

Annemarie Bates
1003 Kohrman Hall
Phone: (269) 387-2398

Prospective students: Book time with Annemarie Bates