Your support helps WMU’s fine arts students succeed

Thank you for supporting the College of Fine Arts.
You can support Art, Dance, Music, Theatre, and scholarships, as well as supporting the College as a whole. Your generosity strengthens the College of Fine Arts’ efforts to become a national leader in the preparation of artists, practitioners, teachers, and scholars through educational and creative excellence.
Questions about giving? Want to explore creative and rewarding ways to support the College and future generations of Fine Arts students? Contact Jeff Dunlap, Chief Development Officer, College of Fine Arts, at (269) 387-8708 or @email. Thank you for your interest and support!
The Courts Leave a Showstopping Legacy
By giving through their estate, Dominic and Barbara Court are fueling the passion, imagination and drive of students at WMU’s College of Fine Arts now and for years to come. Their gift also helps ensure that the arts stay vibrant and alive at our facilities and our College.
In recognition of our 50th anniversary, and in appreciation and honor of the Courts, we are proud to announce the establishment of the Dominic and Barbara Court Endowed College of Fine Arts Scholarship. This scholarship will specifically support our undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the Department of Theatre, and who are working toward careers in the dramatic/theatre arts with an emphasis on acting/performing.
While the Courts were known to attend many shows at Miller Auditorium, they were particularly fond of performances at Shaw, Williams and York theatres on campus. Our talented theatre students held a special place in their hearts.
Along with the College of Fine Arts, Dominic and Barbara’s generous bequest also supports WMU’s largest college and liberal arts core. The Dominic and Barbara Court Endowed College of Arts and Sciences Scholarship benefits students preparing for a wide range of careers in the humanities, social sciences and STEM fields.
About the Courts
Outside of their love for the performing arts, Barbara and Dominic were avid water skiers. In fact, Dominic considered it a great point of pride that he continued to slalom water ski until the age of 82. The Courts were also dedicated bowlers, and enjoyed fishing, golfing and playing bridge. After their retirement, they especially appreciated spending time together in South Padre Island, TX during the winters and at their cottage on Wall Lake in Delton, MI in the summers.
Barbara retired in 1989 from the (former) Upjohn Company as an associate in virology research. She graduated from Arkansas State University with a bachelor’s degree in science with an emphasis in chemistry, and earned a bachelor’s degree in medical technology and a master’s degree in biochemistry from the University of Arkansas. She taught medical technology classes at the University of Arkansas Medical Center until 1960. Barbara then moved to Kalamazoo to work at Upjohn and married Dominic in 1962.
Dominic was an English teacher for Galesburg-Augusta Schools for 25 years. Following his graduation from high school in St. Cloud, MN, he enlisted in the U.S. Army. Dominic served in the WW II Pacific Theater of operations and saw combat with the 11th Airborne Division in Southern Luzon, Philippine Islands. He was severely wounded by enemy artillery shrapnel, and after his recovery, left the military in 1946. From there he enrolled and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in English Education from St. Cloud State University. He then obtained his master’s degree in 1964. He began his teaching career in Minnesota, eventually migrating to Galesburg-Augusta Schools, where he taught English, driver education, journalism, speech and dramatics for more than two decades. He retired in 1980.
Turn the Dreams of Fine Arts Students into Powerful Realities
Gifts from alumni and friends like you can turn the dreams of our art, dance, music and theatre students into powerful realities. By making a gift through your will or trust, giving life insurance you no longer need, or by naming Western Michigan University as a beneficiary of your retirement assets, you can leave behind a legacy that transforms the lives of WMU students today and tomorrow.
We can help you explore the many ways to leave a lasting Bronco Legacy, whether it’s providing you with sample bequest language to ensure you include Western Michigan University in your will, or talking with you about other planned giving options.
Want to explore creative ways you can support future generations of fine arts students? Please contact:
Jeff Dunlap
Chief Development Officer, College of Fine Arts
(269) 387-8708
Jennifer Yelovina, CFRE, CAP®
Senior Director of Gift Planning, University Advancement
(269) 387-8791
Don’t have a will or trust? Download our free Personal Estate Planning Kit at