University Art Collection
An art collection is a necessary component to any quality institution of higher education. It creates awareness and appreciation of the visual arts and it enriches our lives in many subtle and under-appreciated ways. It can also have a transforming effect on a room as well as on one’s perception of the environment.
The Western Michigan University art collection includes drawings, paintings, prints, textiles, sculptures and ceramics that are scattered across the campus in offices, hallways, conference rooms and other public areas. Its value is conservatively estimated at more than $3.5 million.
The general collection has approximately 2,500 pieces that are placed in public locations all over campus and at several WMU satellite campuses. The print collection consists of more than 850 prints that are housed in a secure storage room at the Richmond Center for Visual Arts. The outdoor sculpture collection is made up of more than 20 large sculptures placed in public areas on the main campus.
The University's art collection is defined as any object purchased with WMU funds or funds gifted to the University and accepted by the University Art Collection Committee under its guidelines.
The general collection comprises art objects purchased by or donated to WMU without reference to a specific college, department or division. Its works represent from the late 18th century to the present and include student, faculty and noted local and historical artists. Unit Collections include art objects purchased by or donated to a specific college or division at WMU.
Fakeye, Lamidi Olonade. "Untitled (Warrior)." 1962. Oganwo mahogany wood. Faunce Hall.
Robbert, Paul. "Joie." 2007. Handmade paper pulp painting. Chemistry Building hallway.
Smith, Dennis. "The Professor." 1997. Bronze sculpture. Outside of the Chemistry Building.
Gammon, Reggie. "Martin Luther King." 1986. Oil on canvas. Bernhard Center.
"Balinese Shadow Puppets." 19th century. Buffalo skin with ink tinting. Outside of the Medieval Institute in Walwood Union.
Lavergne, Al. "Untitled." 1995. Steel sculpture. Outside of the Little Theatre on Oakland Drive.
(left) Howes, Thomas. "The Big Bang." 2008. Ink on paper. Lee Honors College.
(right) Messner, Dana. "Verbal/Non-Verbal." 2012. Screenprint. Lee Honors College.
Cox, Jason. "Roy G. Biv is Dead." 1995. Oil on canvas. Sangren Hall Learning Center.
Frostic, Gwen. "Untitled (Jack in the Pulpit)." 20th century. Wood block print. Waldo Library.
Ruttinger, Jacquelyn. "Triple Hung." 1974. Acrylic on canvas. Fetzer Center.